13 Dicembre 2010


Red Bull REGNAROK snowkite event

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Un evento unico del suo genere… Ecco il media press selezionato direttamente dal sito ufficiale Red Bull

Red Bull Ragnarok 2011

The story continues: After last years success, Red Bull Ragnarok will select up to 200 riders from all over the world for another battle on the mighty plateau of Norway, Hardangervidda.

“Ragnarok” is a legend from Norse mythology; the last battle between the good and evil Gods – where only the heroes of the battlefield would survive. Red Bull Ragnarok imitates this myth in the respect that only a mere few snowkite heroes will succeed.

Endurance is paramount, and only the toughest riders will make it to the finish line. Freestylers will be favored by having the possibility to overcome some obstacles in order to shorten the track. The event will be carried out on one race day during the period March 31th – April 3rd.

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Red Bull REGNAROK snowkite event

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Un evento unico del suo genere… Ecco il media press selezionato direttamente dal sito ufficiale Red Bull

Red Bull Ragnarok 2011

The story continues: After last years success, Red Bull Ragnarok will select up to 200 riders from all over the world for another battle on the mighty plateau of Norway, Hardangervidda.

“Ragnarok” is a legend from Norse mythology; the last battle between the good and evil Gods – where only the heroes of the battlefield would survive. Red Bull Ragnarok imitates this myth in the respect that only a mere few snowkite heroes will succeed.

Endurance is paramount, and only the toughest riders will make it to the finish line. Freestylers will be favored by having the possibility to overcome some obstacles in order to shorten the track. The event will be carried out on one race day during the period March 31th – April 3rd.

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