13 Dicembre 2010


Brunotti Pro X – Tested by Nick Jacobsen

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Press Release: Brunotti Boards – Pro X

Pro X – Tested by Nick Jacobsen

Brunotti’s legendary ProX series continues to be produced for high performance freeride action. The 2011 Pro X is developed together with Nick Jacobsen.

The ProX has Carbon/Kevlar strips strategically placed in an “x” pattern, providing even more control and “pop” when loading up. The all-wood core has been extensively tested for a precise, moderately stiff flex pattern that remains constant with time and usage. Flip-nose tail ends allow for a smaller wet surface area when on a plane, resulting in increased top-line speed, which is also great for pop.

The ProX’s progressive concave bottom has been further tuned for even earlier planning and overall speed.


128 x 37

128 x 38,5

128 x 40

134 x 37

134 x 38,5

133 x 40cm

we are proud to introduce a new footpad design: the Brunotti FlexComfort pads. Incorporating highly tuned, flexible heel pads which act as shock absorbers, rider comfort is now taken to unprecedented levels. During riding, the Flex Comfort pads constantly adjust themselves through input from the rider’s shifting weight, resulting in a much softer and easier ride. When landing from jumps, these innovative pads are designed to safeguard the rider from injury.

The FlexComfort pads are made of moulded EVA and reinforced nylon. They allow for multiple adjustments to the rider’s stance.

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Brunotti Pro X – Tested by Nick Jacobsen

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Press Release: Brunotti Boards – Pro X

Pro X – Tested by Nick Jacobsen

Brunotti’s legendary ProX series continues to be produced for high performance freeride action. The 2011 Pro X is developed together with Nick Jacobsen.

The ProX has Carbon/Kevlar strips strategically placed in an “x” pattern, providing even more control and “pop” when loading up. The all-wood core has been extensively tested for a precise, moderately stiff flex pattern that remains constant with time and usage. Flip-nose tail ends allow for a smaller wet surface area when on a plane, resulting in increased top-line speed, which is also great for pop.

The ProX’s progressive concave bottom has been further tuned for even earlier planning and overall speed.


128 x 37

128 x 38,5

128 x 40

134 x 37

134 x 38,5

133 x 40cm

we are proud to introduce a new footpad design: the Brunotti FlexComfort pads. Incorporating highly tuned, flexible heel pads which act as shock absorbers, rider comfort is now taken to unprecedented levels. During riding, the Flex Comfort pads constantly adjust themselves through input from the rider’s shifting weight, resulting in a much softer and easier ride. When landing from jumps, these innovative pads are designed to safeguard the rider from injury.

The FlexComfort pads are made of moulded EVA and reinforced nylon. They allow for multiple adjustments to the rider’s stance.

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