30 Dicembre 2020


Tarifa Wing Pro Tour

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

The final day of the Tarifa Wing Pro

The prize giving took place at Balneario beach at 2pm, with the presence of local politicians, including the Mayor of Tarifa Francisco Ruiz. Tarifa has served up perfect conditions for this first edition of the Tarifa Wing Pro, proving that it is an ideal location for this newly evolving sport.

For the main surf/freestyle category, the results are:


1st Balz Müller (Switzerland)

2nd Titouan Galea (New Caledonia)

3rd Maxime Chabloz (Switzerland)

4th Fernando Novaes (Brazil)


1st Eva Wyss (Switzerland)

2nd Laura Rudolph (Switzerland)

3rd Olivia Piana (France)

4th Paula Novotna (Czech Republic)

The results for the Surf Race are:


1st Titouan Galea


1st Olivia Piana

The results for the expression session are:


1st Titouan Galea

2nd Maxime Chabloz

3rd Balz Müller


1st Olivia Piana

2nd Eva Wyss

3rd Paula Novotna

The Wing Foil World Tour would like to thank the local organization Jaime Herraiz y Jose Ortiz Braza and sponsors: Junta de Andalucia, Diputacion de Cadiz, Ayuntamiento de Tarifa, Duotone/Fanatic, Redbull and Balneario Beach Club. We look forward to returning to Tarifa next year for the 2nd edition of this amazing event.

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Tarifa Wing Pro Tour

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

The final day of the Tarifa Wing Pro

The prize giving took place at Balneario beach at 2pm, with the presence of local politicians, including the Mayor of Tarifa Francisco Ruiz. Tarifa has served up perfect conditions for this first edition of the Tarifa Wing Pro, proving that it is an ideal location for this newly evolving sport.

For the main surf/freestyle category, the results are:


1st Balz Müller (Switzerland)

2nd Titouan Galea (New Caledonia)

3rd Maxime Chabloz (Switzerland)

4th Fernando Novaes (Brazil)


1st Eva Wyss (Switzerland)

2nd Laura Rudolph (Switzerland)

3rd Olivia Piana (France)

4th Paula Novotna (Czech Republic)

The results for the Surf Race are:


1st Titouan Galea


1st Olivia Piana

The results for the expression session are:


1st Titouan Galea

2nd Maxime Chabloz

3rd Balz Müller


1st Olivia Piana

2nd Eva Wyss

3rd Paula Novotna

The Wing Foil World Tour would like to thank the local organization Jaime Herraiz y Jose Ortiz Braza and sponsors: Junta de Andalucia, Diputacion de Cadiz, Ayuntamiento de Tarifa, Duotone/Fanatic, Redbull and Balneario Beach Club. We look forward to returning to Tarifa next year for the 2nd edition of this amazing event.

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