26 Aprile 2014


Pkra Leucate 014 Mondial Du Vent

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

The first day of the Mondial Du Vent was a lay day and provided beautiful spring conditions. After yesterdays typical strong winds, today arrived calm and sunny with only a slight breeze blowing from the south. 

Following a rider’s meeting in the morning, the light wind conditions continued and allowed plenty of time for riders to enjoy the nice weather and to catch up with other competitors and to interact with the crowds of fans and spectators. Despite an unfavorable forecast for the day, hopes were high for a mid-day push of wind.

As the afternoon progressed the wind never showed. However, a relaxed mood and attitude persisted that only a sunny and warm day in the south of France could create. Competitors and visitors strolled the boardwalk and cruised around on bikes and skateboards enjoying the various activities of the village and beach area of La Franqui. 

The wind forecast for the coming days is favorable and tomorrow is expected to see the return of very strong offshore winds. The legacy of this event is unmatched by any other kiteboarding event and with the potential for tomorrow’s wind speeds to reach up to 50 knots, the anticipation for the 2014 Mondial Du Vent continues to mount. 

The rider’s meeting tomorrow begins at 9 am with a first possible start at 9:30 am. Join us on the live stream to watch it all unfold. Stay tuned to the Facebook and Twitter feeds for start times, updates, and all the latest info from the PKRA World Tour.

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Pkra Leucate 014 Mondial Du Vent

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

The first day of the Mondial Du Vent was a lay day and provided beautiful spring conditions. After yesterdays typical strong winds, today arrived calm and sunny with only a slight breeze blowing from the south. 

Following a rider’s meeting in the morning, the light wind conditions continued and allowed plenty of time for riders to enjoy the nice weather and to catch up with other competitors and to interact with the crowds of fans and spectators. Despite an unfavorable forecast for the day, hopes were high for a mid-day push of wind.

As the afternoon progressed the wind never showed. However, a relaxed mood and attitude persisted that only a sunny and warm day in the south of France could create. Competitors and visitors strolled the boardwalk and cruised around on bikes and skateboards enjoying the various activities of the village and beach area of La Franqui. 

The wind forecast for the coming days is favorable and tomorrow is expected to see the return of very strong offshore winds. The legacy of this event is unmatched by any other kiteboarding event and with the potential for tomorrow’s wind speeds to reach up to 50 knots, the anticipation for the 2014 Mondial Du Vent continues to mount. 

The rider’s meeting tomorrow begins at 9 am with a first possible start at 9:30 am. Join us on the live stream to watch it all unfold. Stay tuned to the Facebook and Twitter feeds for start times, updates, and all the latest info from the PKRA World Tour.

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