3 Febbraio 2014


Andrea e Cristiano Vicari entrano a far parte del Team International Wainman Hawaii

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

 giovani ragazzi fanno parlare di se anche a livello internazionale, infatti entrano di sfondamento nel team Wainman Hawaii International. Ecco il comunicato sul sito ufficiale.

Andrea and Cristiano Vicari – Welcome to the Gang!

We are happy to introduce an injection of young blood into the Wainman Hawaii Team.

Two very talented young riders from Italy – Andrea and Cristiano Vicari have joined Wainman Hawaii!

Andrea is the under 18 Italian Freestyle Champion 2013 and his younger brother ,Cristiano “Cricchetto” Vicari, scored N.5 in PKRA Junior Championship 2013. They both started their Wainman Hawaii experience as national Italian riders and recently took part in ManiaC C-Kite testing in December.

We prepared a short introductory interview with our young guns!

How do you feel about joining the Wainman Hawaii Team?

Andrea: I’m so happy to be part of the WH team, we’ve been part of the Rabbit Gang since the start really, we learned with the Gypsy and Bunny in 2010 in Fuerteventura, and Lou has always been our idol, so I’m super excited to be part of this Family! My aim for the WH team is to bring good competition results and push the brand!

Cristiano: I still can’t believe it. I’ve always wanted to be part of the Wainman Hawaii team. I’m very excited and motivated!

What are your kitesurfing objectives for  2014?

A: My objectives of 2014, are in first place – train in Brazil as soon as I can, for at least a month. Then I will aim to do different competitions starting from Nationals, going to Europe and if they will do the Junior Pkra I’ll be there for sure!

C: I just want to have fun and get good results in the competitions while pushing the brand.

You had a chance to be a part of ManiaC C-kite testing crew? What do you think about the kite?

A: HAHA! The ManiaC is definitively one of othe best C kite around! It’s pop is incredible, it gives you confidence in every aspect of your riding, from freestyle to wakestyle! the Maniac is for riders (Like me) looking for a stable kite in their tricks and an amazing pop, which gives you all the time you need to pass the bar. For a C-kite, it has a fantastic depower, you don’t see that very often!

C: It’s simply a MANIAC. It’s the best c-kite I ever tried. It’s stable like no other and its power is just amazing, the relaunch is easy and Freestyle possibilities are endless.

Your favorite spots? Where other Rabbit Enthusiasts can see you riding?

A: I’ve got loads of favourite spots! like Brazil, Egypt, Sri lanka.. but Sicily (Stagnone) beats them all!

C: My favourite spot out of all is Stagnone in Sicily, then Hayling Island in the UK, Talamone and last but not least Latina my home spot.

Maybe some last words to close this interview!?

A: Have fun everyone, enjoy life and Ride Hard or go Home! ALOHA!

C: Just have fun and ride hard. Keep it up,Life is good!

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Andrea e Cristiano Vicari entrano a far parte del Team International Wainman Hawaii

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

 giovani ragazzi fanno parlare di se anche a livello internazionale, infatti entrano di sfondamento nel team Wainman Hawaii International. Ecco il comunicato sul sito ufficiale.

Andrea and Cristiano Vicari – Welcome to the Gang!

We are happy to introduce an injection of young blood into the Wainman Hawaii Team.

Two very talented young riders from Italy – Andrea and Cristiano Vicari have joined Wainman Hawaii!

Andrea is the under 18 Italian Freestyle Champion 2013 and his younger brother ,Cristiano “Cricchetto” Vicari, scored N.5 in PKRA Junior Championship 2013. They both started their Wainman Hawaii experience as national Italian riders and recently took part in ManiaC C-Kite testing in December.

We prepared a short introductory interview with our young guns!

How do you feel about joining the Wainman Hawaii Team?

Andrea: I’m so happy to be part of the WH team, we’ve been part of the Rabbit Gang since the start really, we learned with the Gypsy and Bunny in 2010 in Fuerteventura, and Lou has always been our idol, so I’m super excited to be part of this Family! My aim for the WH team is to bring good competition results and push the brand!

Cristiano: I still can’t believe it. I’ve always wanted to be part of the Wainman Hawaii team. I’m very excited and motivated!

What are your kitesurfing objectives for  2014?

A: My objectives of 2014, are in first place – train in Brazil as soon as I can, for at least a month. Then I will aim to do different competitions starting from Nationals, going to Europe and if they will do the Junior Pkra I’ll be there for sure!

C: I just want to have fun and get good results in the competitions while pushing the brand.

You had a chance to be a part of ManiaC C-kite testing crew? What do you think about the kite?

A: HAHA! The ManiaC is definitively one of othe best C kite around! It’s pop is incredible, it gives you confidence in every aspect of your riding, from freestyle to wakestyle! the Maniac is for riders (Like me) looking for a stable kite in their tricks and an amazing pop, which gives you all the time you need to pass the bar. For a C-kite, it has a fantastic depower, you don’t see that very often!

C: It’s simply a MANIAC. It’s the best c-kite I ever tried. It’s stable like no other and its power is just amazing, the relaunch is easy and Freestyle possibilities are endless.

Your favorite spots? Where other Rabbit Enthusiasts can see you riding?

A: I’ve got loads of favourite spots! like Brazil, Egypt, Sri lanka.. but Sicily (Stagnone) beats them all!

C: My favourite spot out of all is Stagnone in Sicily, then Hayling Island in the UK, Talamone and last but not least Latina my home spot.

Maybe some last words to close this interview!?

A: Have fun everyone, enjoy life and Ride Hard or go Home! ALOHA!

C: Just have fun and ride hard. Keep it up,Life is good!

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