22 Dicembre 2023


Become a Certified IKO Instructor at the Kite Center Lo Stagnone!

di: Editore
Logo Iko International Kite

We are delighted to announce the opening of new courses IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE to become certified IKO instructors at the Kite Center Lo Stagnone in the month of March. This is a unique opportunity for those who dream of turning their passion for kitesurfing into a rewarding profession. Our courses are conducted in collaboration with I.K.O., Kitesurfing.it, and the Italian Kitesurf Association, ensuring a high-quality educational experience.

Course Schedule:

  • Assistant Instructor (A.I.T.C.): March 8-12
  • Instructor Training Course (I.T.C.): March 13-17
  • Medic First Aid (M.F.A.): March 12

The IKO certification is universally recognized and represents a mark of quality in the world of kitesurfing. During the course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of the IKO methodology, teaching techniques, and safety protocols. Once you have completed the I.T.C., you will be a certified IKO instructor and have the opportunity to work in kitesurfing schools in Italy and around the world.

The Kite Center is located in one of the most spectacular kitesurfing spots in Europe, providing you with an ideal environment to learn and enhance your skills. During the course, you will have the opportunity to participate in practical sessions under the guidance of experienced instructors.

If you aspire to embark on this incredible adventure and start an exciting career in the world of kitesurfing, do not miss this opportunity! Register now for the course at the following LINK here on KITESURFING.IT. It’s the first step towards a rewarding career as a certified IKO instructor.

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Become a Certified IKO Instructor at the Kite Center Lo Stagnone!

di: Editore
Logo Iko International Kite

We are delighted to announce the opening of new courses IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE to become certified IKO instructors at the Kite Center Lo Stagnone in the month of March. This is a unique opportunity for those who dream of turning their passion for kitesurfing into a rewarding profession. Our courses are conducted in collaboration with I.K.O., Kitesurfing.it, and the Italian Kitesurf Association, ensuring a high-quality educational experience.

Course Schedule:

  • Assistant Instructor (A.I.T.C.): March 8-12
  • Instructor Training Course (I.T.C.): March 13-17
  • Medic First Aid (M.F.A.): March 12

The IKO certification is universally recognized and represents a mark of quality in the world of kitesurfing. During the course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of the IKO methodology, teaching techniques, and safety protocols. Once you have completed the I.T.C., you will be a certified IKO instructor and have the opportunity to work in kitesurfing schools in Italy and around the world.

The Kite Center is located in one of the most spectacular kitesurfing spots in Europe, providing you with an ideal environment to learn and enhance your skills. During the course, you will have the opportunity to participate in practical sessions under the guidance of experienced instructors.

If you aspire to embark on this incredible adventure and start an exciting career in the world of kitesurfing, do not miss this opportunity! Register now for the course at the following LINK here on KITESURFING.IT. It’s the first step towards a rewarding career as a certified IKO instructor.

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