31 Marzo 2020


IKO Celebrates Accumulating 3 Million Teaching Hours

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ever since the IKO was established in 2001, we started registering students and accumulating teaching hours. Now, here we are, almost 20 years later and we are proud to announce to the IKO community that together with all the IKO Instructors worldwide we have now accumulated 3 million teaching hours! 

We would like to thank all our members for choosing to learn kiteboarding with confidence by learning with us. A special thank you goes to our Instructors for providing all their students with the opportunity to learn how to practice kiteboarding safely and our IKO Centers for providing a safe, comfortable and enjoyable learning environment! 

Onto the next 3 million teaching hours!

Windy regards,

The IKO Team

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IKO Celebrates Accumulating 3 Million Teaching Hours

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ever since the IKO was established in 2001, we started registering students and accumulating teaching hours. Now, here we are, almost 20 years later and we are proud to announce to the IKO community that together with all the IKO Instructors worldwide we have now accumulated 3 million teaching hours! 

We would like to thank all our members for choosing to learn kiteboarding with confidence by learning with us. A special thank you goes to our Instructors for providing all their students with the opportunity to learn how to practice kiteboarding safely and our IKO Centers for providing a safe, comfortable and enjoyable learning environment! 

Onto the next 3 million teaching hours!

Windy regards,

The IKO Team

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