28 Settembre 2008


Pkra Brasile 2008 ecco i risultati dopo 3 giorni di gara

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

PKRA Brazil 2008 – Day 3

Kite-Xtreme Brasil 2008 is on its third day, continuing with the double eliminations after an action-packed second day that saw Aaron Hadlow winning his first freestyle single trophy in Brazil. The double elimination event promises to be yet an even more exciting competition to see whether Kevin Langeree could keep up his bid for the world championship title and beat Hadlow in the finals.

Yet another impressive day greeted the crowd at Parnaiba today, with clear blue skies, warm weather with light winds in the morning. The mandatory skippers meeting went right on schedule. Although the competitors were ready to go at the scheduled starting time, the wind was too light to start an event so the heats were postponed from the planned 12:00 noon start until 12:30 pm. The first heat was started only to cancel it since the wind was very inconsistent and fluctuated in intensity. Finally at around 1:10 pm, the first heat of the double elimination got underway after the wind finally gained strength and stabilized at approximately 17 to 20 knots. The men rigged their 10 to 12 meter kites while the women were on their 7 to 9 meters.

 total of four rounds for the men and one round for the women were completed during the day which wrapped up at 5:00 pm.

Day 3 Highlights

The first round of the men’s double had two elimination heats. The first heat was between Andy Yates (Slingshot, AUS) and Eli Zarka (F-One, ISR) whose first run was cancelled due to a lack of wind. The second time around, there was enough wind to go so the day continued on. Yates landed a regular and switch slim, 313 5, blind judge, front mobe, kgb, mobe 5 and late pass mobe, defeating Zarka with an advantage on variation and technical difficulty. The Israeli rider landed a front mobe, slim, blind judge 3 and 313. Victor Adamo (Naish, BRA) defeated Bobo Corniel (EH, DOM) in the other heat to advance to the next round.

In round two, Alberto Rondina (Cabrinha, ITA) managed to out-style Tom Court (North, GBR) in a solid showing of kiteboarding talent, landing several regular and switch moves. Court also landed some nice moves but lacked the switch tricks.

Evandro Da Silva (Naish, BRA) took out Yates in heat #23 with four regular and switch moves and a double back mobe 5, winning with a higher technical difficulty level and trick variation. The next heat saw a very tight battle between two Brazilian riders. Silvio Villarim (Kiteloose) defeated Tour regular Reno Romeu (North) with a regular and switch variation of front mobe/back to blind air pass/mobe, a blind judge with air pass, and slim. Romeu landed a kgb, blind judge with aerial handle pass, front mobe, regular and switch slim, kiteloop handle pass, late pass mobe, mobe and 313. Villarim won with a 3-2 decision for switch variation and power.

The third round started with another super tight match up between the Cabrinha riders, Alberto Rondina (ITA) and Petr Tyuskevich (RUS). Rondina landed more powered moves and switch variations (kgb, slim, kiteloop handle pass, blind judge with aerial handle pass, 313) against Tyuskevich’s (slim, front mobe, back to blind air pass) and got the edge over the line for a decisive 5-0 win.

Alvaro Onieva (Best, ESP) also had his share of a tight battle going up against Tom Hebert (Airush, New Caledonia) in heat #27. The two style masters went against each other trick after trick but Onieva got the upper hand in the end with a little more technical riding for the double pass moves to win via a 4-1 score. Onieva landed a regular and switch kgb/front mobe, slim, mobe to wrapped, kiteloop non-inverted slim, indy grab, blind judge with air pass, and a front side 5 off one of the small kickers rolling in. Hebert landed a regular and switch indy grab kgb/mobe, slim, kiteloop slim and hasselhoff.

The Dominican destroyer, Ariel Corniel (EH) took down Rondina in heat #28 with high flying moves and two double passes for a 4-1 win. Rondina performed extremely well with regular and switch variations of blind judge/313/non-inverted slim/kiteloop handle pass/kiteloop slim/mobe, a shifty 5, s-bend to blind and kgb. Corniel landed a mobe, slim, 313, mobe to wrapped, kiteloop non-inverted slim, blind judge with aerial handle pass, kgb, front mobe, backside 360, double s-bend to blind, s-bend to blind air pass, front mobe to blind and kiteloop backside.

On the women’s side, local rider Carol Homsi defeated Audrey Meyer (EH, FRA) in the first heat of the ladies event with a 3-2 score. Homsi landed a single handle pass against Meyer’s raley to surface pass, kiteloop frontloop and back to surface pass.

Susi Mai (Cabrinha, GER) defeated Laura Fernandez with a raley to blind, raley to wrapped, front to blind and kiteloop winning with a higher technical difficulty score.

Tomorrow’s skipper meeting is set at the same time at 11:30 am with first possible start at 12:00 pm.

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Pkra Brasile 2008 ecco i risultati dopo 3 giorni di gara

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

PKRA Brazil 2008 – Day 3

Kite-Xtreme Brasil 2008 is on its third day, continuing with the double eliminations after an action-packed second day that saw Aaron Hadlow winning his first freestyle single trophy in Brazil. The double elimination event promises to be yet an even more exciting competition to see whether Kevin Langeree could keep up his bid for the world championship title and beat Hadlow in the finals.

Yet another impressive day greeted the crowd at Parnaiba today, with clear blue skies, warm weather with light winds in the morning. The mandatory skippers meeting went right on schedule. Although the competitors were ready to go at the scheduled starting time, the wind was too light to start an event so the heats were postponed from the planned 12:00 noon start until 12:30 pm. The first heat was started only to cancel it since the wind was very inconsistent and fluctuated in intensity. Finally at around 1:10 pm, the first heat of the double elimination got underway after the wind finally gained strength and stabilized at approximately 17 to 20 knots. The men rigged their 10 to 12 meter kites while the women were on their 7 to 9 meters.

 total of four rounds for the men and one round for the women were completed during the day which wrapped up at 5:00 pm.

Day 3 Highlights

The first round of the men’s double had two elimination heats. The first heat was between Andy Yates (Slingshot, AUS) and Eli Zarka (F-One, ISR) whose first run was cancelled due to a lack of wind. The second time around, there was enough wind to go so the day continued on. Yates landed a regular and switch slim, 313 5, blind judge, front mobe, kgb, mobe 5 and late pass mobe, defeating Zarka with an advantage on variation and technical difficulty. The Israeli rider landed a front mobe, slim, blind judge 3 and 313. Victor Adamo (Naish, BRA) defeated Bobo Corniel (EH, DOM) in the other heat to advance to the next round.

In round two, Alberto Rondina (Cabrinha, ITA) managed to out-style Tom Court (North, GBR) in a solid showing of kiteboarding talent, landing several regular and switch moves. Court also landed some nice moves but lacked the switch tricks.

Evandro Da Silva (Naish, BRA) took out Yates in heat #23 with four regular and switch moves and a double back mobe 5, winning with a higher technical difficulty level and trick variation. The next heat saw a very tight battle between two Brazilian riders. Silvio Villarim (Kiteloose) defeated Tour regular Reno Romeu (North) with a regular and switch variation of front mobe/back to blind air pass/mobe, a blind judge with air pass, and slim. Romeu landed a kgb, blind judge with aerial handle pass, front mobe, regular and switch slim, kiteloop handle pass, late pass mobe, mobe and 313. Villarim won with a 3-2 decision for switch variation and power.

The third round started with another super tight match up between the Cabrinha riders, Alberto Rondina (ITA) and Petr Tyuskevich (RUS). Rondina landed more powered moves and switch variations (kgb, slim, kiteloop handle pass, blind judge with aerial handle pass, 313) against Tyuskevich’s (slim, front mobe, back to blind air pass) and got the edge over the line for a decisive 5-0 win.

Alvaro Onieva (Best, ESP) also had his share of a tight battle going up against Tom Hebert (Airush, New Caledonia) in heat #27. The two style masters went against each other trick after trick but Onieva got the upper hand in the end with a little more technical riding for the double pass moves to win via a 4-1 score. Onieva landed a regular and switch kgb/front mobe, slim, mobe to wrapped, kiteloop non-inverted slim, indy grab, blind judge with air pass, and a front side 5 off one of the small kickers rolling in. Hebert landed a regular and switch indy grab kgb/mobe, slim, kiteloop slim and hasselhoff.

The Dominican destroyer, Ariel Corniel (EH) took down Rondina in heat #28 with high flying moves and two double passes for a 4-1 win. Rondina performed extremely well with regular and switch variations of blind judge/313/non-inverted slim/kiteloop handle pass/kiteloop slim/mobe, a shifty 5, s-bend to blind and kgb. Corniel landed a mobe, slim, 313, mobe to wrapped, kiteloop non-inverted slim, blind judge with aerial handle pass, kgb, front mobe, backside 360, double s-bend to blind, s-bend to blind air pass, front mobe to blind and kiteloop backside.

On the women’s side, local rider Carol Homsi defeated Audrey Meyer (EH, FRA) in the first heat of the ladies event with a 3-2 score. Homsi landed a single handle pass against Meyer’s raley to surface pass, kiteloop frontloop and back to surface pass.

Susi Mai (Cabrinha, GER) defeated Laura Fernandez with a raley to blind, raley to wrapped, front to blind and kiteloop winning with a higher technical difficulty score.

Tomorrow’s skipper meeting is set at the same time at 11:30 am with first possible start at 12:00 pm.

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