11 Settembre 2012


One Eye Kite Surf Pro day five

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Due to small waves and inconsistent sets, the One Eye Kitesurf Pro in Mauritius has been called off for the day.“The swell is still taking a bit of a break out here at One Eye and so are the riders and event officials.” says Kristin Boese, tour manager and president of the KSP world championship tour. “We are not worried though and forecasts promise great conditions for the final three heats of the event as well as a couple of supersession’s that we are planning for later this week.”

Up first will be the men’s 3rd place final featuring Sebastian Ribeiro (BRA) and Luke McGillewie (RRD, RSA), when competition resumes again.

Event organizers will reconvene tomorrow morning at 10:00am to assess the conditions for a possible 10:30am start.

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One Eye Kite Surf Pro day five

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Due to small waves and inconsistent sets, the One Eye Kitesurf Pro in Mauritius has been called off for the day.“The swell is still taking a bit of a break out here at One Eye and so are the riders and event officials.” says Kristin Boese, tour manager and president of the KSP world championship tour. “We are not worried though and forecasts promise great conditions for the final three heats of the event as well as a couple of supersession’s that we are planning for later this week.”

Up first will be the men’s 3rd place final featuring Sebastian Ribeiro (BRA) and Luke McGillewie (RRD, RSA), when competition resumes again.

Event organizers will reconvene tomorrow morning at 10:00am to assess the conditions for a possible 10:30am start.

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