24 Novembre 2008


Una nuova Brand Zeeko-kites

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

– Simplified Bridling system (only 3 attachment points/side instead of 5 or more for most of the kites in the market): Simple and easy to use
– Unbeatable balance between reactivity and rigidity: Comfortable to ride
– Exclusive profile getting one of the most powerful kites in low end and keeping easiness of control in high end: Save money buying less number of kites
– Ultra Stable kite: Be confident with your kite
– Work done on the leading edge diameters giving a fast turning kite even the big sizes and providing unrivalled reactivity

– No scale design: All sizes are optimized
– Firm bar feeling and progressive bar pressure to always know where is the kite without need to look at it
– Trimmable kite handling: C-shape Behavior/Hybrid Behavior by just mooving the back bridle
– Optimized kite for Freestyle and Unhooked tricks: Improve your level safely
– Impressive upwind ability and Gliding in jumps
– Trimmable using 20m (waveriding) or 24m (jumps and freestyle) lines length
– Easy relaunching under any circunstances
– One pump device
– Notus kite delivered with kitebag and repair kit (pump and bar are optional)


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Una nuova Brand Zeeko-kites

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

– Simplified Bridling system (only 3 attachment points/side instead of 5 or more for most of the kites in the market): Simple and easy to use
– Unbeatable balance between reactivity and rigidity: Comfortable to ride
– Exclusive profile getting one of the most powerful kites in low end and keeping easiness of control in high end: Save money buying less number of kites
– Ultra Stable kite: Be confident with your kite
– Work done on the leading edge diameters giving a fast turning kite even the big sizes and providing unrivalled reactivity

– No scale design: All sizes are optimized
– Firm bar feeling and progressive bar pressure to always know where is the kite without need to look at it
– Trimmable kite handling: C-shape Behavior/Hybrid Behavior by just mooving the back bridle
– Optimized kite for Freestyle and Unhooked tricks: Improve your level safely
– Impressive upwind ability and Gliding in jumps
– Trimmable using 20m (waveriding) or 24m (jumps and freestyle) lines length
– Easy relaunching under any circunstances
– One pump device
– Notus kite delivered with kitebag and repair kit (pump and bar are optional)


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