3 Dicembre 2009


KEVIN LANGEREE Campione del Mondo PKRA 2009

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Dopo moltissimi anni sul podio come campione del Mondo Aaron Hadlow viene superato dal fortissimo Kevin Langeree conquistando il podio mondiale del circuito PKRA 2009.

Il oltre a Kevin altrei 2 rider della brand Naish hanno conquistato la vetta ecco una news dal sito Naish International

The results are in for the final event on the PKRA 2009 World Tour. Naish rider Kevin Langeree takes home World Champion and Naish rider Alex Pastor claims 1st Place at the Teri Kite Pro 2009. 

After a tough year of extreme competition, Naish rider Kevin Langeree from Noordwijk in the Netherlands is the World Champion of the PKRA 2009 World Tour.

“It feels so good I still can’t describe it! My cheeks are sore from smiling all day!

My dream has just come to reality!!! I just won the world title! I’m so stoked you just can’t  believe. I have no words for it…

I want to thank my parents for all the support they gave me all those years and mom I won, now you have to win as well.

I also want to thank all my sponsor at NAISH, O’Neill, USA vision eye wear, Ben&Jerry’s and Holidaycars.com for every thing they have done for me. With out them I would have never reached my goal!

Now it’s time to celebrate. “

-Kevin Langeree

Per avere più info potete cliccare sui link



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KEVIN LANGEREE Campione del Mondo PKRA 2009

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Dopo moltissimi anni sul podio come campione del Mondo Aaron Hadlow viene superato dal fortissimo Kevin Langeree conquistando il podio mondiale del circuito PKRA 2009.

Il oltre a Kevin altrei 2 rider della brand Naish hanno conquistato la vetta ecco una news dal sito Naish International

The results are in for the final event on the PKRA 2009 World Tour. Naish rider Kevin Langeree takes home World Champion and Naish rider Alex Pastor claims 1st Place at the Teri Kite Pro 2009. 

After a tough year of extreme competition, Naish rider Kevin Langeree from Noordwijk in the Netherlands is the World Champion of the PKRA 2009 World Tour.

“It feels so good I still can’t describe it! My cheeks are sore from smiling all day!

My dream has just come to reality!!! I just won the world title! I’m so stoked you just can’t  believe. I have no words for it…

I want to thank my parents for all the support they gave me all those years and mom I won, now you have to win as well.

I also want to thank all my sponsor at NAISH, O’Neill, USA vision eye wear, Ben&Jerry’s and Holidaycars.com for every thing they have done for me. With out them I would have never reached my goal!

Now it’s time to celebrate. “

-Kevin Langeree

Per avere più info potete cliccare sui link



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