16 Agosto 2010


Kevin Langeree Injury Update

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

un augurio di pronta guarigione da tutta la community del portale

Injured…. (11-08-2010)

Ok so here is an updated. First of all I want to thanks everyone for there help and the nice messages on Face Book and the forums. As you might already know I’m injured, I torn my ACL… It’s the biggest nightmare of every professional athlete. But I always had it in the back of my mind that this could happen but it still is a big shocker.

This is how it happened. I was riding in the finals of the doubles and I was really hungry to win this one. I started off good but on the 4th trick I tried a KGB. The take off and the rotation was like normal and I was ready to land heal side. I landed right on a chop with a little to much force and my knee couldn’t hold it. I felt right away it wasn’t good. But when I was underwater I thought I would still be able to finish my heat I came up and looked at my knee and I saw it was dislocated. So I wobbled it around and it popped back in. This wasn’t good… The jetski picked me up and dropped me off at the beach.

I never had an injury before but I’ve seen a few people getting hurt but now it’s me… and that really sucks. To fix my ACL I have to get an operation and rehab is going to take 6 months. So ill be out of the water for a long time.

Now I’m already motivated to go and train hard and come back stronger then ever! Hopefully see you on the water in 6 months. I’ll keep you updated!

Clicca su more info per entrare nel sito Ufficiale di Kevin

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Kevin Langeree Injury Update

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

un augurio di pronta guarigione da tutta la community del portale

Injured…. (11-08-2010)

Ok so here is an updated. First of all I want to thanks everyone for there help and the nice messages on Face Book and the forums. As you might already know I’m injured, I torn my ACL… It’s the biggest nightmare of every professional athlete. But I always had it in the back of my mind that this could happen but it still is a big shocker.

This is how it happened. I was riding in the finals of the doubles and I was really hungry to win this one. I started off good but on the 4th trick I tried a KGB. The take off and the rotation was like normal and I was ready to land heal side. I landed right on a chop with a little to much force and my knee couldn’t hold it. I felt right away it wasn’t good. But when I was underwater I thought I would still be able to finish my heat I came up and looked at my knee and I saw it was dislocated. So I wobbled it around and it popped back in. This wasn’t good… The jetski picked me up and dropped me off at the beach.

I never had an injury before but I’ve seen a few people getting hurt but now it’s me… and that really sucks. To fix my ACL I have to get an operation and rehab is going to take 6 months. So ill be out of the water for a long time.

Now I’m already motivated to go and train hard and come back stronger then ever! Hopefully see you on the water in 6 months. I’ll keep you updated!

Clicca su more info per entrare nel sito Ufficiale di Kevin

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