6 Ottobre 2010


Ultimissime news dalla IKA International Kiteboard Association

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Episode 3 of our series of Olympic Campaign videos features a documentation on teaching kiteboarding to a sailor. It is an impressive demonstration on how accessible kiteboarding is, and what great potential it opens up especially for emerging nations.

This footage falls into a period of events putting kiteboarding into the limelight of Olympic Sailings interest. Being shortlisted as a potential event of the 2016 Olympic Games through a submission (external link here) of the ISAF Executive Committee for the November ISAF AGM proves first success of our information strategy as well as the nomination of IKAs Olympic Ambassador Kristin Boese for the Rolex Sailor of the Year Award (external link here).

Both achievemens show that there is a realistic chance to bring kiteboard racing to the world as a new and fascinating discipline of Olympic Sailing, opening up completely new possibilities for the whole sailing world like universality, accessibility, attractivity to youth, spectators and media by providing low cost, fast, exciting and colorful equipment.

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Ultimissime news dalla IKA International Kiteboard Association

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Episode 3 of our series of Olympic Campaign videos features a documentation on teaching kiteboarding to a sailor. It is an impressive demonstration on how accessible kiteboarding is, and what great potential it opens up especially for emerging nations.

This footage falls into a period of events putting kiteboarding into the limelight of Olympic Sailings interest. Being shortlisted as a potential event of the 2016 Olympic Games through a submission (external link here) of the ISAF Executive Committee for the November ISAF AGM proves first success of our information strategy as well as the nomination of IKAs Olympic Ambassador Kristin Boese for the Rolex Sailor of the Year Award (external link here).

Both achievemens show that there is a realistic chance to bring kiteboard racing to the world as a new and fascinating discipline of Olympic Sailing, opening up completely new possibilities for the whole sailing world like universality, accessibility, attractivity to youth, spectators and media by providing low cost, fast, exciting and colorful equipment.

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