30 Ottobre 2009


Ultimissime news dalla RRD Family

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Overall ranking after Dakhla 09 in attachment
All Dakhla Ranking + Press Releases + Videos are available there:

Here is an event report from Abelone Lago:

“Ciao amigos.
Dakhla was one of these events that from the first day you want to finish and go back home.
When we arrived there they put me on a small tent with other four riders to live for the next fourteen days, full of small mouse and crabs.
The place it´s really good with strong wind and different spots with flat water (speed spot) and a nice big lagoon, also 25 min by car are some waves spots where the waves brake perfec from the right, with sideoff winds.
About the contest in the race I use a new kite proto, but when we start the races I could not following the top guys and I was finishing in the back of the feet. After two days of contest Werther (RRD designer) arrived in Dakhla to test the new wave kite Religion and he did some small changes in the kite trim and then I was competitive again, but unfortunately it was too late to fight for the victory.

On the waves I have to say that I didn’t ride really good, I choose the wrong fins for this conditions on a spot with more than 5 knots current downwind and also like always in all the KPWT the goofy riders don’t have too much chances to win a competitions, since we had always conditions with right winds and waves!

Anyway, in the end I finish 4th on waves and 4th on race, but te most important thing is that I still lead the provisional Course Racing World Tour ranking!

Anyway, this result is just provisional, since we can have one discard and this position it’s not real. I mean: if I want to be the Racing KPWT Champion I have to win the next two events! I have the energy and the motivation to do this, and now with Werther we are working on the gear and we’ll see if we are in the right way with our decisions.
See you soon Brazil!”

Next KPWT event Brasil / Cumbuco / SUPERKITE
3rd – 8th November 2009

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Ultimissime news dalla RRD Family

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Overall ranking after Dakhla 09 in attachment
All Dakhla Ranking + Press Releases + Videos are available there:

Here is an event report from Abelone Lago:

“Ciao amigos.
Dakhla was one of these events that from the first day you want to finish and go back home.
When we arrived there they put me on a small tent with other four riders to live for the next fourteen days, full of small mouse and crabs.
The place it´s really good with strong wind and different spots with flat water (speed spot) and a nice big lagoon, also 25 min by car are some waves spots where the waves brake perfec from the right, with sideoff winds.
About the contest in the race I use a new kite proto, but when we start the races I could not following the top guys and I was finishing in the back of the feet. After two days of contest Werther (RRD designer) arrived in Dakhla to test the new wave kite Religion and he did some small changes in the kite trim and then I was competitive again, but unfortunately it was too late to fight for the victory.

On the waves I have to say that I didn’t ride really good, I choose the wrong fins for this conditions on a spot with more than 5 knots current downwind and also like always in all the KPWT the goofy riders don’t have too much chances to win a competitions, since we had always conditions with right winds and waves!

Anyway, in the end I finish 4th on waves and 4th on race, but te most important thing is that I still lead the provisional Course Racing World Tour ranking!

Anyway, this result is just provisional, since we can have one discard and this position it’s not real. I mean: if I want to be the Racing KPWT Champion I have to win the next two events! I have the energy and the motivation to do this, and now with Werther we are working on the gear and we’ll see if we are in the right way with our decisions.
See you soon Brazil!”

Next KPWT event Brasil / Cumbuco / SUPERKITE
3rd – 8th November 2009

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