16 Ottobre 2009


Obsession RRD 2010

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ecco alcune info dell’ultima creazione di casa RRD


An adrenaline shot
Sizes: 13.5-12-10.5-9-7-5

The only SLE kite in our line. Solid proven performance. Solid Power, “silly” manouverabilty, perfect to ride unhooked. The Obsession 2010 is based on the fantastic success of the 2009 model with a revised shape, tips width and profile and outline design.

The result is an even more stable kite, faster in the big sizes and slower in the small ones, with and incredible amount of power and easiness to ride “unhooked”. The new trendsetter in speed and progressive smooth power in all areas of the flying window. Perfect for kiteloops and power moves, great for every serious kiteboarder. A reference in the market today.

–     Stability;
–     More Low end Power;
–     Progressive de-power;
–     Medium Bar pressure;
–     Unbeatable turning speed:

Technology of construction:

–    New SPS system with a new designed inflating valve
–    Insignia double tape leech
–    PVC round label strut end protectors
–    Metallic PU strut end reinforcements
–    DP 175 LL Dacron
–    Tejin  T9600 Canopy
–    New moulded struts protectors
–    New PVC Inflating valves protectors

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Obsession RRD 2010

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Ecco alcune info dell’ultima creazione di casa RRD


An adrenaline shot
Sizes: 13.5-12-10.5-9-7-5

The only SLE kite in our line. Solid proven performance. Solid Power, “silly” manouverabilty, perfect to ride unhooked. The Obsession 2010 is based on the fantastic success of the 2009 model with a revised shape, tips width and profile and outline design.

The result is an even more stable kite, faster in the big sizes and slower in the small ones, with and incredible amount of power and easiness to ride “unhooked”. The new trendsetter in speed and progressive smooth power in all areas of the flying window. Perfect for kiteloops and power moves, great for every serious kiteboarder. A reference in the market today.

–     Stability;
–     More Low end Power;
–     Progressive de-power;
–     Medium Bar pressure;
–     Unbeatable turning speed:

Technology of construction:

–    New SPS system with a new designed inflating valve
–    Insignia double tape leech
–    PVC round label strut end protectors
–    Metallic PU strut end reinforcements
–    DP 175 LL Dacron
–    Tejin  T9600 Canopy
–    New moulded struts protectors
–    New PVC Inflating valves protectors

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