16 Dicembre 2010


2010 Kiteboard Pro World Tour 12 year Anniversary

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Antoine Auriol (FR)

2010 Kiteboard Overall World Champion Freestyle – Wave

 KPWT ITV   Antoine Auriol – 14th December 2010
1.   Tell us what it felt to become the Overall Freestyle and Wave Masters World Champion 2010?

I’m really happy to win the 2010 season, because I am following the KPWT since 7 years, and I have always been at the 3rd place… For me, every year has been fantastic, and I have seen along the years the evolution of kitesurfing. Competing also gave me the opportunity to open my mind, to visit a lot of wonderful places, and to learn a lot…

2.     How long have you been competing and did you ever imagine to be World Champion?

I compete on the KPWT since 2004. I always did good results, but never really won, because of my personality… I didn’t fight for the title because for me the most important was to travel, to meet people, and to keep kitesurfing as my passion… But this year I went on the Tour relaxed, with no pressure, and I just had to let go and kite for me. So I’m really happy that I won in that philosophy !

3.    Can you tell us what a normal day looks like in your life.

I wake up, have my cappuccino, go on the beach and check the conditions. If there is wind I kite, and if there are waves I surf. If there is nothing I go for a jogging. Then I have lunch and in the afternoon I have my second session. My favorite riding is the sunset one. Then I have dinner with friends and brothers, and sometimes I go for a drink and party. But sometimes I also like to play music with some friends !

4.     What keeps you busy outside of Kiteboarding and how do you keep yourself fit?

I really love music and photography. So when I’m not competing or training I like to travel and make photo. I like to share moments, like you can see on my website: http://www.antoineauriol.com/pages/Photography.html
Sometimes I meet also my friends that play music with me and we play just for fun, Guitar / Piano / Voice / Drums. Some of our compositions are on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/antoineauriol
And apart from that I also model sometimes. Since two years I am proud to be the image of Lacoste perfumes.

5. Where is your home-break and what are you favorite conditions to kite?

My home-break is in South Spain: El Puerto de Santa Maria. I live with my brother, so I always enjoy to get back there… Like that I can charge my batteries again!
My favorites conditions to kite : everything. That’s why I love kitesurfing, because everyday is different, and sometimes I love big waves, sometimes flat water, etc…

6.    What do you think about the KPWT ?

KPWT is a wonderful Tour. In 12 years, more than 85 events were done. I did a lot of those events, and I always had fun! Promoter Frédéric Gravoille also did a very nice job during all those years, cause he was the first one to believe in a World Tour.

7.     What are your goals for this year on the Tour 2011?

I want to continue to have fun, ride, travel… to keep my dream true!

8.     Who are you sponsors offering you the opportunity to live your dream on the KPWT?

My main sponsor is Kiteloose. I wouldn’t be here today without their support.
I am sure you have made many friends on the tour and enjoy the lifestyle that KPWT offers. Talk us through some of your memorable moments of 2010 and the last 8 years on the tour.
Yes thanks to the KPWT I have many friends. We are all riders, so we have a common respect, a love for kitesurfing and traveling…
There are so many moments that I could speak about… maybe one memorable is when I travelled around the world in 2007 with my younger brother Thomas, from competition to competition. He is also a kitesurfer and a cameraman.
Antoine Auriol results since 2004  !
Overall World Champion

J&B Masters of Kite – Tarifa, Spain: 5th freestyle
International Kite Festival China, Weifang: 2nd freestyle
KPWT Portugal, Santa Cruz : 2nd Wave Masters
KPWT Jamaica, Long Bay Beach : 1st Freestyle, Wave , Course racing

3rd Overall ranking.
KPWT Morocco, Essaouira : 5th freestyle
KPWT Brasil, Cumbuco : 13th freestyle / 13th wave masters
KPWT Canada, Shippagan : 9th freestyle / 4th course racing
KPWT Portugal, Santa Cruz : 13th wave masters
KPWT France, Dunkerque : 7th freestyle / 3rd course racing
KPWT Spain, Tarifa : 13th freestyle / 5th course racing
KPWT Germany, Sylt : 9th freestyle / 5th wave masters

3rd overall ranking. 3rd Freestyle. 3rd Course Racing.
KPWT Morocco, Essaouira : 3rd freestyle / 4th course racing / 5th Wave Masters
KPWT Brasil, Cumbucco : 13th freestyle / 4th course racing
KPWT Turkey, Istanbul : 4th freestyle / 3rd course racing
KPWT Italy, Como Lake: 5th freestyle / 8th course racing
KPWT Greece, Paros : 5th freestyle / 4th course racing
KPWT France, St gilles : 3rd freestyle / 5th course racing

KPWT New Caledonia, Noumea : 2nd Overall freestyle, 6th Overall course racing.
KPWT Brasil, Cumbuco : 7th freestyle
KPWT Portugal, Guincho : event cancelled (no wind)
KPWT France, Dunkerque : 7th speed crossing
KPWT Morocco, Essaouira : 2nd freestyle.
KPWT Turkey, Istanbul : 6th freestyle. 2nd speed crossing.
KPWT Italy, Como Lake : 9th freestyle

3rd overall Freestyle. 5th overall Wave Masters
KPWT New Caledonia, Nouméa: 7th / 5th waves masters
KPWT France, St Gilles: event cancelled (no wind)
KPWT Marocco, Essaouira: 5th / 5th wave masters
KPWT Greece, Paros: 3rd
KPWT Turkey, Istanbul : 2nd
KPWT Italy, Como Lake: 4th

4th Overall Freestyle. 3rd Overall Wave Masters
KPWT New Caledonia, Nouméa : 7th
KPWT France, St Gilles Cx de Vie : 4th / 5th wave masters
KPWT Australia, Perth : 4th
KPWT Brazil, Rio de Janeiro : 13th / 3rd wave masters
KPWT Turkey, Istambul : 2nd
KPWT Italy, Como Lake : 3rd

10th Overall Freestyle.
KPWT Portugal, Matosinhos : 7th
KPWT New Caledonia, Nouméa : 10th

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2010 Kiteboard Pro World Tour 12 year Anniversary

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Antoine Auriol (FR)

2010 Kiteboard Overall World Champion Freestyle – Wave

 KPWT ITV   Antoine Auriol – 14th December 2010
1.   Tell us what it felt to become the Overall Freestyle and Wave Masters World Champion 2010?

I’m really happy to win the 2010 season, because I am following the KPWT since 7 years, and I have always been at the 3rd place… For me, every year has been fantastic, and I have seen along the years the evolution of kitesurfing. Competing also gave me the opportunity to open my mind, to visit a lot of wonderful places, and to learn a lot…

2.     How long have you been competing and did you ever imagine to be World Champion?

I compete on the KPWT since 2004. I always did good results, but never really won, because of my personality… I didn’t fight for the title because for me the most important was to travel, to meet people, and to keep kitesurfing as my passion… But this year I went on the Tour relaxed, with no pressure, and I just had to let go and kite for me. So I’m really happy that I won in that philosophy !

3.    Can you tell us what a normal day looks like in your life.

I wake up, have my cappuccino, go on the beach and check the conditions. If there is wind I kite, and if there are waves I surf. If there is nothing I go for a jogging. Then I have lunch and in the afternoon I have my second session. My favorite riding is the sunset one. Then I have dinner with friends and brothers, and sometimes I go for a drink and party. But sometimes I also like to play music with some friends !

4.     What keeps you busy outside of Kiteboarding and how do you keep yourself fit?

I really love music and photography. So when I’m not competing or training I like to travel and make photo. I like to share moments, like you can see on my website: http://www.antoineauriol.com/pages/Photography.html
Sometimes I meet also my friends that play music with me and we play just for fun, Guitar / Piano / Voice / Drums. Some of our compositions are on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/antoineauriol
And apart from that I also model sometimes. Since two years I am proud to be the image of Lacoste perfumes.

5. Where is your home-break and what are you favorite conditions to kite?

My home-break is in South Spain: El Puerto de Santa Maria. I live with my brother, so I always enjoy to get back there… Like that I can charge my batteries again!
My favorites conditions to kite : everything. That’s why I love kitesurfing, because everyday is different, and sometimes I love big waves, sometimes flat water, etc…

6.    What do you think about the KPWT ?

KPWT is a wonderful Tour. In 12 years, more than 85 events were done. I did a lot of those events, and I always had fun! Promoter Frédéric Gravoille also did a very nice job during all those years, cause he was the first one to believe in a World Tour.

7.     What are your goals for this year on the Tour 2011?

I want to continue to have fun, ride, travel… to keep my dream true!

8.     Who are you sponsors offering you the opportunity to live your dream on the KPWT?

My main sponsor is Kiteloose. I wouldn’t be here today without their support.
I am sure you have made many friends on the tour and enjoy the lifestyle that KPWT offers. Talk us through some of your memorable moments of 2010 and the last 8 years on the tour.
Yes thanks to the KPWT I have many friends. We are all riders, so we have a common respect, a love for kitesurfing and traveling…
There are so many moments that I could speak about… maybe one memorable is when I travelled around the world in 2007 with my younger brother Thomas, from competition to competition. He is also a kitesurfer and a cameraman.
Antoine Auriol results since 2004  !
Overall World Champion

J&B Masters of Kite – Tarifa, Spain: 5th freestyle
International Kite Festival China, Weifang: 2nd freestyle
KPWT Portugal, Santa Cruz : 2nd Wave Masters
KPWT Jamaica, Long Bay Beach : 1st Freestyle, Wave , Course racing

3rd Overall ranking.
KPWT Morocco, Essaouira : 5th freestyle
KPWT Brasil, Cumbuco : 13th freestyle / 13th wave masters
KPWT Canada, Shippagan : 9th freestyle / 4th course racing
KPWT Portugal, Santa Cruz : 13th wave masters
KPWT France, Dunkerque : 7th freestyle / 3rd course racing
KPWT Spain, Tarifa : 13th freestyle / 5th course racing
KPWT Germany, Sylt : 9th freestyle / 5th wave masters

3rd overall ranking. 3rd Freestyle. 3rd Course Racing.
KPWT Morocco, Essaouira : 3rd freestyle / 4th course racing / 5th Wave Masters
KPWT Brasil, Cumbucco : 13th freestyle / 4th course racing
KPWT Turkey, Istanbul : 4th freestyle / 3rd course racing
KPWT Italy, Como Lake: 5th freestyle / 8th course racing
KPWT Greece, Paros : 5th freestyle / 4th course racing
KPWT France, St gilles : 3rd freestyle / 5th course racing

KPWT New Caledonia, Noumea : 2nd Overall freestyle, 6th Overall course racing.
KPWT Brasil, Cumbuco : 7th freestyle
KPWT Portugal, Guincho : event cancelled (no wind)
KPWT France, Dunkerque : 7th speed crossing
KPWT Morocco, Essaouira : 2nd freestyle.
KPWT Turkey, Istanbul : 6th freestyle. 2nd speed crossing.
KPWT Italy, Como Lake : 9th freestyle

3rd overall Freestyle. 5th overall Wave Masters
KPWT New Caledonia, Nouméa: 7th / 5th waves masters
KPWT France, St Gilles: event cancelled (no wind)
KPWT Marocco, Essaouira: 5th / 5th wave masters
KPWT Greece, Paros: 3rd
KPWT Turkey, Istanbul : 2nd
KPWT Italy, Como Lake: 4th

4th Overall Freestyle. 3rd Overall Wave Masters
KPWT New Caledonia, Nouméa : 7th
KPWT France, St Gilles Cx de Vie : 4th / 5th wave masters
KPWT Australia, Perth : 4th
KPWT Brazil, Rio de Janeiro : 13th / 3rd wave masters
KPWT Turkey, Istambul : 2nd
KPWT Italy, Como Lake : 3rd

10th Overall Freestyle.
KPWT Portugal, Matosinhos : 7th
KPWT New Caledonia, Nouméa : 10th

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