13 Ottobre 2008


Jeremie Tronet Professional Kiteboarder

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Jeremie Tronet il portacolori internazinale della Brand OCEAN RODEO sbarca in Italia iscrivendosi al portale e creando il suo Personal Blog, dove ci aggiornarà di tutti i suoi viaggi, news, trix firmati firmato Ocean Rodeo.

As always when I travel somewhere, I think I will stay in Cumbuco a bit longer than I planed.

This place is just perfect for kiteboarding, the wind never stop blowing over 25 knots … it is perfect to shoot videos and take pictures every day.

I am actually here to train, learn new tricks before traveling around seeking the most beautiful spot there is to find…

With Linn, we found some new apartment right on the beach, “Ocean View” … It just amazing, we have 2 floors and 3 rooms for only the 2 of us. We are located right on the beach of Cumbuco and we can kite just in front of the house.

There is a big swimming pool and nice places to chill out, it is the perfect place to be in Cumbuco, you should check it out if you are coming down here.

here is the email contact if you are looking for renting something out in Cumbuco: dreambeach@berg-hansen.no

I just bought a small surfboard and surf in front of the apartment after kiting, there is a small beach break and it’s always fun to catch few waves at the sunset … Life is hard, I tell you…

I have been hanging out with Leander Vyvey, you can check his website out, he is a very cool guy riding on the KPWT world tour, he just left for some new competition.

Speaking competition I wanted to congratulate Evandro Dasilva, the 15 year old kiter from the lagune here in Cumbuco. He is a nice kid and has an incredible level in kite. He just won the KPWT here in Brazil, and Goyava an other Brazilian from the lagune took the… read the rest on www.jeremietronet.com

See ya around

Jeremie Tronet

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Jeremie Tronet Professional Kiteboarder

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Jeremie Tronet il portacolori internazinale della Brand OCEAN RODEO sbarca in Italia iscrivendosi al portale e creando il suo Personal Blog, dove ci aggiornarà di tutti i suoi viaggi, news, trix firmati firmato Ocean Rodeo.

As always when I travel somewhere, I think I will stay in Cumbuco a bit longer than I planed.

This place is just perfect for kiteboarding, the wind never stop blowing over 25 knots … it is perfect to shoot videos and take pictures every day.

I am actually here to train, learn new tricks before traveling around seeking the most beautiful spot there is to find…

With Linn, we found some new apartment right on the beach, “Ocean View” … It just amazing, we have 2 floors and 3 rooms for only the 2 of us. We are located right on the beach of Cumbuco and we can kite just in front of the house.

There is a big swimming pool and nice places to chill out, it is the perfect place to be in Cumbuco, you should check it out if you are coming down here.

here is the email contact if you are looking for renting something out in Cumbuco: dreambeach@berg-hansen.no

I just bought a small surfboard and surf in front of the apartment after kiting, there is a small beach break and it’s always fun to catch few waves at the sunset … Life is hard, I tell you…

I have been hanging out with Leander Vyvey, you can check his website out, he is a very cool guy riding on the KPWT world tour, he just left for some new competition.

Speaking competition I wanted to congratulate Evandro Dasilva, the 15 year old kiter from the lagune here in Cumbuco. He is a nice kid and has an incredible level in kite. He just won the KPWT here in Brazil, and Goyava an other Brazilian from the lagune took the… read the rest on www.jeremietronet.com

See ya around

Jeremie Tronet

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