18 Settembre 2008


KITEBOARD PRO WORLD TOUR – 10 year Anniversary

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

KITEBOARD PRO WORLD TOUR – 10 year Anniversary

Cumbuco – Caucaia – Ceara – Brasil
16 / 21 September 2008

Freestyle – Course Racing – Wave Masters

This second day of the Superkite Brasil 2008 will stick to everybody’s memory and become a major highlight of the Kiteboard Pro Wolrd Tour 2008.

50 riders

3 disciplines run in 1 day: Wave, Freestyle, Kiteloop

10 hours of competition…

2 different spots and for the first time ever a Kiteboarding World Cup in Lagoa de Cauipe, the best and most wonderful spot in the world !!!

The day started at 7am with the Wave skippers meeting. At 7.30, all wave riders and the technical staff loaded the Buggies of the organization and hit to Pico das Almas, the wave spot of Cumbuco. From 9 to 11 am the competitors pushed their talent hard to go through their heats. The show will carry on tomorrow morning.

The main focuse of the day was definitely the Freestyle competition in lagoa de Caipe. The show started at 1pm. The “Brazilian team”, supported by their friends and fans performed amazing moves and jumps. Used to the spot and completely at ease with the conditions their level was absolutely unbelievable!

On the women side, a special congratulation to Ainhoa Garcia who managed to reach the third place despite a painfull knee injury. She made the difference in front of Kristin Boese thanks to her difficulty level and the variety of moves. Kristin crashed many times and did not manage to express herself where as Ainhoa went to Backloop, Kiteloop, Backside pass.

The final between Pauline Boussard and Marine Sudre was a very nice heat. They both passed Railey to blind and/or Railey to revert but Pauline took the advantage thanks to the variety and her technical difficulty. Special applause to Pauline Boussard, winner of the women Freestyle first round !


1. Pauline Boussard (FRA) – F-One

2. Marine Sudre (AUS) – Cabrinha

3. Ainhoa Garcia (SPA) – Airush

4. Kristin Boese (GER) – Best Kiteboarding

On the men side, many heats were actually very close. The level of the Kiteboard Pro World Tour has become amazingly high. You never know how far the riders will push the limits!

The Brazilian really stood out in the competition. Only one non Brazilian citizen managed to reach the podium. He has already proved his talent on the Tour. He comes from Maui. He’s promised for a very long career: Jesse Richman. The looser final between Jesse and Luis Alberto Cruz was very close. They both have a very high technical difficulty, clear landings and a very good variety. At the end, Jesse made the difference with more difficult moves and a very stylish riding.

The Final was 100% Brazilian: Carlos Monteiro / Jose Evandro Da Silva.

Carlos Monteiro really performed nice heats in this Freestyle first round but nevertheless Da Silva really flew over the lagoa de Caipe. His victory was obvious ! Perfect landings, variety, high difficulty. With 1 KGB, 313, Slim and Kiteloop slim there was absolutely no hesitation about his victory.


1. Jose Evandro Da Silva (BRA) – Naish

2. Carlos Alexandri Morais Monteiro (BRA) – Naish

3. Jesse Richman (USA) – Cabrinha

4. Luis Alberto Cruz (REP DOM) – Best

The show will go on tomorrow. Get connected and follow the show on kiteboardpro.com !

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KITEBOARD PRO WORLD TOUR – 10 year Anniversary

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

KITEBOARD PRO WORLD TOUR – 10 year Anniversary

Cumbuco – Caucaia – Ceara – Brasil
16 / 21 September 2008

Freestyle – Course Racing – Wave Masters

This second day of the Superkite Brasil 2008 will stick to everybody’s memory and become a major highlight of the Kiteboard Pro Wolrd Tour 2008.

50 riders

3 disciplines run in 1 day: Wave, Freestyle, Kiteloop

10 hours of competition…

2 different spots and for the first time ever a Kiteboarding World Cup in Lagoa de Cauipe, the best and most wonderful spot in the world !!!

The day started at 7am with the Wave skippers meeting. At 7.30, all wave riders and the technical staff loaded the Buggies of the organization and hit to Pico das Almas, the wave spot of Cumbuco. From 9 to 11 am the competitors pushed their talent hard to go through their heats. The show will carry on tomorrow morning.

The main focuse of the day was definitely the Freestyle competition in lagoa de Caipe. The show started at 1pm. The “Brazilian team”, supported by their friends and fans performed amazing moves and jumps. Used to the spot and completely at ease with the conditions their level was absolutely unbelievable!

On the women side, a special congratulation to Ainhoa Garcia who managed to reach the third place despite a painfull knee injury. She made the difference in front of Kristin Boese thanks to her difficulty level and the variety of moves. Kristin crashed many times and did not manage to express herself where as Ainhoa went to Backloop, Kiteloop, Backside pass.

The final between Pauline Boussard and Marine Sudre was a very nice heat. They both passed Railey to blind and/or Railey to revert but Pauline took the advantage thanks to the variety and her technical difficulty. Special applause to Pauline Boussard, winner of the women Freestyle first round !


1. Pauline Boussard (FRA) – F-One

2. Marine Sudre (AUS) – Cabrinha

3. Ainhoa Garcia (SPA) – Airush

4. Kristin Boese (GER) – Best Kiteboarding

On the men side, many heats were actually very close. The level of the Kiteboard Pro World Tour has become amazingly high. You never know how far the riders will push the limits!

The Brazilian really stood out in the competition. Only one non Brazilian citizen managed to reach the podium. He has already proved his talent on the Tour. He comes from Maui. He’s promised for a very long career: Jesse Richman. The looser final between Jesse and Luis Alberto Cruz was very close. They both have a very high technical difficulty, clear landings and a very good variety. At the end, Jesse made the difference with more difficult moves and a very stylish riding.

The Final was 100% Brazilian: Carlos Monteiro / Jose Evandro Da Silva.

Carlos Monteiro really performed nice heats in this Freestyle first round but nevertheless Da Silva really flew over the lagoa de Caipe. His victory was obvious ! Perfect landings, variety, high difficulty. With 1 KGB, 313, Slim and Kiteloop slim there was absolutely no hesitation about his victory.


1. Jose Evandro Da Silva (BRA) – Naish

2. Carlos Alexandri Morais Monteiro (BRA) – Naish

3. Jesse Richman (USA) – Cabrinha

4. Luis Alberto Cruz (REP DOM) – Best

The show will go on tomorrow. Get connected and follow the show on kiteboardpro.com !

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