28 Aprile 2010



di: Redazione Kitesurfing

21 Aprile 2010 – Ozone Race Team >> Pronti per il 2010 Course Racing Worlds

Ozone Race Team pronti per il Mondiale 2010 Course Racing, a Corpus Christi, Texas

Dopo mesi di intenso allenamento e test il team Ozone è pronto per l’inizio delle gare. Tutti i membri del team sono entusiasti delle prestazioni migliorate dei Kites 2010 Ozone Edge Race Series.

Adam e Andrew Koch si sono allenati nelle condizioni locali per diverse settimane precedenti i mondiali. Le prestazioni ed il comportamento dinamico del nuovo Edge ha reso il team fiducioso circa i loro kites. Adam Koch descrive l’Edge come il kite che vola più come un’ala che come un kite tradizionale. Chip Wasson sente come se abbia avuto un aumento del 15 per cento delle prestazioni di bolina.

Con tutti gli occhi sul Texas, l’Ozone Team è fiducioso, pronto ed entusiasta di competere nel Campionato del Mondo.

cerimonie di apertura inizia stasera alle 07:00 ora locale, presso l’Hotel Omni in Corpus Christi.

26 Aprile 2010 – Course-Racing World Championships >> Double 1st for Ozone!

This news piece has not yet been translated but will be soon, thank you for your patience.

Huge congratulations to Ozone team riders Adam Koch and Kari Schibevaag, both taking first place at the 2010 IKA Course Racing World Championships held in Corpus Christi, Texas.

With the recently released 2010 Edge and the Zephyr dominating in lighter winds, Adam and Kari cleaned up the majority of races; Adam winning 5 out of 10 races and Kari winning 7 out of 10.

IKA Course Racing World Championships – Final Results
Top five men:

1. Adam Koch (Ozone/USA)
2. Damien LeRoy (Cabrinha/USA)
3. Bruno Sroka (Cabrinha/France)
4. Johnny Heineken (RRD/USA)
5. Sky Solbach (North/USA)

Top Three Women:

1. Kari Schibevaag (Ozone/Norway)
2. Steph Bridge (North/UK)
3. Kristin Boese (Best/Germany)

Full results and points available at http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_regatta_results.php?regatta_id=2696

Organizers and competitors gathered at McGee Beach in Corpus Christi, TX, for the final day of the 2010 IKA World Kite Racing Championship not knowing what to expect. With a sketchy forecast that could go either way, organizers waited for the wind to settle so they could set a race course while competitors had a mixed bag of emotions — those on top would hold their top placements if the weather did not cooperate while others were chomping at the bit to race in hopes of advancing their positions.

Top three men winners: Bruno Sroka (left, third), Adam Koch (middle, first) and Damien LeRoy (right, second). Photo Marina Chang/The Kiteboarder

At around 1p, it looked like the onshore winds would win with wind coming in around 5 knots at the start line near the race committee boat. Light white caps started to build and competitors began putting kites up in the air to test the conditions. Damien Leroy (Cabrinha/USA) tried valiantly to get off the beach but could get not get outside of the groins to open water. The wind then died and switched to a side offshore direction.

The side offshore winds built up and Jesse Richman (Cabrinha/USA) took to the water to test the conditions, riding out to the start line and around the course checking for the winds consistency. Conditions again looked promising as other competitors joined him on the water in anticipation of the first race of the day. Unfortunately, the winds were inconsistent and five kites went down in the middle of the bay. Organizers waited another 30 minutes to see if the wind would even out but eventually called the race at 4p.

Top three women: Kristin Boese (left, third), Kari Schibevaag (middle, first), Steph Bridge (right, third). Photo Marina Chang/The Kiteboarder Magazine

All participants gathered at the Executive Surf Club for the awards dinner and party. Organizer Nils Stolzechner of NJS Custom Boards and General Manager of the Omni Hotel in Corpus Christi outlined the tremendous effort that was needed to make this event happen after the originating sponsors of the event had to pull out due to liability and insurance issues just two months before the event. Nils thanked the race committee lead Mark Foster and his team, members of the Corpus Christi Yacht Club for their support, along with the Corpus Christi Vistitors and Conference Bureau, Ozone Kites and Live2Kite as industry sponsors who stepped up to the plate and offered cash donations to support the event. Nils and emcee Neil Hutchinson then recognized the top 10 men and top three women and presented them with their winnings. The evening was followed with a live band and celebration of Neil’s 40th birthday, a great ending to a tremendous event that may be the stepping stone to getting kiteboarding into the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.

Proud to have such a presitgious event with the top athletes in the world, competitors signed the Republic of Texas flag for the mayor which will fly from City Hall. Photo Marina Chang/The Kiteboarder Magazine

Many thanks to the 34 top athletes from 14 different countries for their participation in the event along with supporting sponsors including Ozone, Live2Kite, NJS Custom Board Designs, Corpus Christi Convention and Visitors Bureau, The Kiteboarder Magazine, Ultra Nectar, Budweiser, Corpus Christi Marina, Curtis Fins, Reef, Texas State Aquarium, and LVN Contractors. 

Full results and points available at http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_regatta_results.php?regatta_id=2696

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di: Redazione Kitesurfing

21 Aprile 2010 – Ozone Race Team >> Pronti per il 2010 Course Racing Worlds

Ozone Race Team pronti per il Mondiale 2010 Course Racing, a Corpus Christi, Texas

Dopo mesi di intenso allenamento e test il team Ozone è pronto per l’inizio delle gare. Tutti i membri del team sono entusiasti delle prestazioni migliorate dei Kites 2010 Ozone Edge Race Series.

Adam e Andrew Koch si sono allenati nelle condizioni locali per diverse settimane precedenti i mondiali. Le prestazioni ed il comportamento dinamico del nuovo Edge ha reso il team fiducioso circa i loro kites. Adam Koch descrive l’Edge come il kite che vola più come un’ala che come un kite tradizionale. Chip Wasson sente come se abbia avuto un aumento del 15 per cento delle prestazioni di bolina.

Con tutti gli occhi sul Texas, l’Ozone Team è fiducioso, pronto ed entusiasta di competere nel Campionato del Mondo.

cerimonie di apertura inizia stasera alle 07:00 ora locale, presso l’Hotel Omni in Corpus Christi.

26 Aprile 2010 – Course-Racing World Championships >> Double 1st for Ozone!

This news piece has not yet been translated but will be soon, thank you for your patience.

Huge congratulations to Ozone team riders Adam Koch and Kari Schibevaag, both taking first place at the 2010 IKA Course Racing World Championships held in Corpus Christi, Texas.

With the recently released 2010 Edge and the Zephyr dominating in lighter winds, Adam and Kari cleaned up the majority of races; Adam winning 5 out of 10 races and Kari winning 7 out of 10.

IKA Course Racing World Championships – Final Results
Top five men:

1. Adam Koch (Ozone/USA)
2. Damien LeRoy (Cabrinha/USA)
3. Bruno Sroka (Cabrinha/France)
4. Johnny Heineken (RRD/USA)
5. Sky Solbach (North/USA)

Top Three Women:

1. Kari Schibevaag (Ozone/Norway)
2. Steph Bridge (North/UK)
3. Kristin Boese (Best/Germany)

Full results and points available at http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_regatta_results.php?regatta_id=2696

Organizers and competitors gathered at McGee Beach in Corpus Christi, TX, for the final day of the 2010 IKA World Kite Racing Championship not knowing what to expect. With a sketchy forecast that could go either way, organizers waited for the wind to settle so they could set a race course while competitors had a mixed bag of emotions — those on top would hold their top placements if the weather did not cooperate while others were chomping at the bit to race in hopes of advancing their positions.

Top three men winners: Bruno Sroka (left, third), Adam Koch (middle, first) and Damien LeRoy (right, second). Photo Marina Chang/The Kiteboarder

At around 1p, it looked like the onshore winds would win with wind coming in around 5 knots at the start line near the race committee boat. Light white caps started to build and competitors began putting kites up in the air to test the conditions. Damien Leroy (Cabrinha/USA) tried valiantly to get off the beach but could get not get outside of the groins to open water. The wind then died and switched to a side offshore direction.

The side offshore winds built up and Jesse Richman (Cabrinha/USA) took to the water to test the conditions, riding out to the start line and around the course checking for the winds consistency. Conditions again looked promising as other competitors joined him on the water in anticipation of the first race of the day. Unfortunately, the winds were inconsistent and five kites went down in the middle of the bay. Organizers waited another 30 minutes to see if the wind would even out but eventually called the race at 4p.

Top three women: Kristin Boese (left, third), Kari Schibevaag (middle, first), Steph Bridge (right, third). Photo Marina Chang/The Kiteboarder Magazine

All participants gathered at the Executive Surf Club for the awards dinner and party. Organizer Nils Stolzechner of NJS Custom Boards and General Manager of the Omni Hotel in Corpus Christi outlined the tremendous effort that was needed to make this event happen after the originating sponsors of the event had to pull out due to liability and insurance issues just two months before the event. Nils thanked the race committee lead Mark Foster and his team, members of the Corpus Christi Yacht Club for their support, along with the Corpus Christi Vistitors and Conference Bureau, Ozone Kites and Live2Kite as industry sponsors who stepped up to the plate and offered cash donations to support the event. Nils and emcee Neil Hutchinson then recognized the top 10 men and top three women and presented them with their winnings. The evening was followed with a live band and celebration of Neil’s 40th birthday, a great ending to a tremendous event that may be the stepping stone to getting kiteboarding into the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.

Proud to have such a presitgious event with the top athletes in the world, competitors signed the Republic of Texas flag for the mayor which will fly from City Hall. Photo Marina Chang/The Kiteboarder Magazine

Many thanks to the 34 top athletes from 14 different countries for their participation in the event along with supporting sponsors including Ozone, Live2Kite, NJS Custom Board Designs, Corpus Christi Convention and Visitors Bureau, The Kiteboarder Magazine, Ultra Nectar, Budweiser, Corpus Christi Marina, Curtis Fins, Reef, Texas State Aquarium, and LVN Contractors. 

Full results and points available at http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_regatta_results.php?regatta_id=2696

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