30 Giugno 2010


Aaron Hadlow e Ruben Lenten in Road Trip

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Since I was at the SSS I have spent a week in the DOM REP before coming back to the East Coast of the US for our RedBull Roadtrip.

Out in the Dominican it was pretty fun, I was there with Will Milne, our camera man, continuing to shoot for our TV series On The Loose.
During the trip I was shooting some pictures, practicing some new tricks and checking out the PKRA.
Being at the event and not entering was pretty weird, it was good to see it from a different perspective though.
I also managed to learn a couple of new moves, I landed a Moby Dick 5 and almost got the 3 Shifty Blind, thats a frontside 3 then reverse into blind, I have had it in my mind for a while so glad that I am close to that now.

For the last week I have been on the road along with Ruben and Susi again shooting for On The Loose and working with RedBull on promotion down the east coast.
We started up in Charlestone (CHUCKTOWN) where we met up with Davey Blair a friend of ours, we scored some great conditions, first day we had a sick wakeboard session, then we got some wind with good kickers and then the next day we hit this other spot with some flat water. We met some cool people and had a great time so cheers to the people at Air Kiteboarding, Trophy Lakes Wakeboarding and everyone else that hooked us up there.

Next stop was Tybee Island (Savannah) that was also good, the wind was a bit lighter but the conditions were still pretty good, it is a river mouth with a bunch of sand bars so you can pick your own flat water spot, also when the tides are right you have wind against the current so its hard to go downwind. Cheers to the guys at All Out Kiteboarding and again all that hooked us up.

Now we are In St. Augustine, unfortunately the wind has dropped but we are still having fun down the beach, yesterday we got to visit Ocean Extreme Sports and then headed down the beach where we did some Winching, SUP and played a bit of football.

We have another day here before our last stop up in Jacksonville then we are out of here and back home!

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Aaron Hadlow e Ruben Lenten in Road Trip

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Since I was at the SSS I have spent a week in the DOM REP before coming back to the East Coast of the US for our RedBull Roadtrip.

Out in the Dominican it was pretty fun, I was there with Will Milne, our camera man, continuing to shoot for our TV series On The Loose.
During the trip I was shooting some pictures, practicing some new tricks and checking out the PKRA.
Being at the event and not entering was pretty weird, it was good to see it from a different perspective though.
I also managed to learn a couple of new moves, I landed a Moby Dick 5 and almost got the 3 Shifty Blind, thats a frontside 3 then reverse into blind, I have had it in my mind for a while so glad that I am close to that now.

For the last week I have been on the road along with Ruben and Susi again shooting for On The Loose and working with RedBull on promotion down the east coast.
We started up in Charlestone (CHUCKTOWN) where we met up with Davey Blair a friend of ours, we scored some great conditions, first day we had a sick wakeboard session, then we got some wind with good kickers and then the next day we hit this other spot with some flat water. We met some cool people and had a great time so cheers to the people at Air Kiteboarding, Trophy Lakes Wakeboarding and everyone else that hooked us up there.

Next stop was Tybee Island (Savannah) that was also good, the wind was a bit lighter but the conditions were still pretty good, it is a river mouth with a bunch of sand bars so you can pick your own flat water spot, also when the tides are right you have wind against the current so its hard to go downwind. Cheers to the guys at All Out Kiteboarding and again all that hooked us up.

Now we are In St. Augustine, unfortunately the wind has dropped but we are still having fun down the beach, yesterday we got to visit Ocean Extreme Sports and then headed down the beach where we did some Winching, SUP and played a bit of football.

We have another day here before our last stop up in Jacksonville then we are out of here and back home!

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