10 Gennaio 2009


RRD ADDICTION Endless power, smooth control

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

“Endless power, smooth control”

Sizes: 14-12-10,5-9-7-5

The new POWER BOMB in the 2009 line. Based on a D-shape kite with a relatively open LE arch, the Addiction is the kite for power freaks that want to get lift and endless progressive power.
Simply a real Formula 1 engine with 1,000 Hp. But the surprise will happen when you start to release the bar and sheet out that power. It’s like riding on butter, the beast will become a sweet docile friend ready to be stopped and sit on the window with no fluttering and no strange moves in the sky. A perfect kite that will redefine the idea of hi -performance in the kiteboarding scene.

Superior Power
Progressive smooth de-power
Medium/Light Bar pressure
Unbeatable Lift
Great re-launching

Technology of construction:
– New SPS system with a new designed inflating valve
– LE Parallel seams for maximum strength and lower stretching on leech area
– Horizontal seams in the maximum profile areas for optimized shape
– Insignia double tape leech
– PVC round label strut end protectors
– Metallic PU strut end renforcements
– DP 175 LL Dacron
– Tejin T9600 Canopy
– New moulded struts protectors

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RRD ADDICTION Endless power, smooth control

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

“Endless power, smooth control”

Sizes: 14-12-10,5-9-7-5

The new POWER BOMB in the 2009 line. Based on a D-shape kite with a relatively open LE arch, the Addiction is the kite for power freaks that want to get lift and endless progressive power.
Simply a real Formula 1 engine with 1,000 Hp. But the surprise will happen when you start to release the bar and sheet out that power. It’s like riding on butter, the beast will become a sweet docile friend ready to be stopped and sit on the window with no fluttering and no strange moves in the sky. A perfect kite that will redefine the idea of hi -performance in the kiteboarding scene.

Superior Power
Progressive smooth de-power
Medium/Light Bar pressure
Unbeatable Lift
Great re-launching

Technology of construction:
– New SPS system with a new designed inflating valve
– LE Parallel seams for maximum strength and lower stretching on leech area
– Horizontal seams in the maximum profile areas for optimized shape
– Insignia double tape leech
– PVC round label strut end protectors
– Metallic PU strut end renforcements
– DP 175 LL Dacron
– Tejin T9600 Canopy
– New moulded struts protectors

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