7 Agosto 2009


Mark Shinn lascia la Nobile Kiteboarding

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Novità Mark Shinn lascia Nobile Kiteboarding!!!

Intervista a Mark Shinn in merito alla sua decisione!!

Mark Shinn is leaving Nobile after 5 years. A remarkable decision as for us Nobile is (was) Mark Shinn! Shinn wants to start his own brand of kitesurfboards:

We heard rumours that you left Nobile. Can you comment on that ?

Ok, let’s get straight to it! After 5 fantastic years I’ve decided that it’s time for Nobile and I to part and follow separate paths.
Nobile grew from nothing into an internationally recognized brand in just a few short years, it was a great challenge and a lot of fun but now I am ready for something new.

Does that mean your going to do other things within kite boarding?

I can’t imagine my future NOT being involved in kiteboarding! I am 10 years living and breathing the sport, it’s in my blood and I have the best job in the world…. I get to play with new toys every day of the week and if I don’t like them I have the power to change everything!

I have the impression there is something you are not telling us! My information is that you are starting a new brand?

Enlighten us?

The Shinn brand of kiteboards has existed since the birth of Nobile but has always been integrated into the Nobile range. I feel that now is a good time to bring this range out into the open and develop it into a full range of stand-alone kiteboards.

So this means that Shinn will become a brand in it’s own right?

I want to do something new and different… not just another copycat brand but something creative, striking and imaginative so from now on Shinn kite boarding is a completely separate company with no relations to any other brand on the market.

That’s interesting to hear, when do you expect to be showing your new products?

I ‘ve started already and am pretty busy right now finalizing the range and testing prototypes. I hope to be able to reveal everything fully in September.

So by September we’ll see Shinn kites and boards on the water ?

I have no intention of producing Shinn kites right now. The first step is to offer the best performing, best looking and best equipped kiteboards on the market in every style and size possible. I have a lot of experience in designing and testing kiteboards and this is my focus for the time being.

What kind of boards can we expect in your line-up ?

I’m preparing a full range…… Freestyle, Freeride, Light wind, Ladies, Youth, a new concept in Skim boards and of course surfboards!
It’s going to be a large range and hopefully there’s a board in there for everyone!

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Mark Shinn lascia la Nobile Kiteboarding

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Novità Mark Shinn lascia Nobile Kiteboarding!!!

Intervista a Mark Shinn in merito alla sua decisione!!

Mark Shinn is leaving Nobile after 5 years. A remarkable decision as for us Nobile is (was) Mark Shinn! Shinn wants to start his own brand of kitesurfboards:

We heard rumours that you left Nobile. Can you comment on that ?

Ok, let’s get straight to it! After 5 fantastic years I’ve decided that it’s time for Nobile and I to part and follow separate paths.
Nobile grew from nothing into an internationally recognized brand in just a few short years, it was a great challenge and a lot of fun but now I am ready for something new.

Does that mean your going to do other things within kite boarding?

I can’t imagine my future NOT being involved in kiteboarding! I am 10 years living and breathing the sport, it’s in my blood and I have the best job in the world…. I get to play with new toys every day of the week and if I don’t like them I have the power to change everything!

I have the impression there is something you are not telling us! My information is that you are starting a new brand?

Enlighten us?

The Shinn brand of kiteboards has existed since the birth of Nobile but has always been integrated into the Nobile range. I feel that now is a good time to bring this range out into the open and develop it into a full range of stand-alone kiteboards.

So this means that Shinn will become a brand in it’s own right?

I want to do something new and different… not just another copycat brand but something creative, striking and imaginative so from now on Shinn kite boarding is a completely separate company with no relations to any other brand on the market.

That’s interesting to hear, when do you expect to be showing your new products?

I ‘ve started already and am pretty busy right now finalizing the range and testing prototypes. I hope to be able to reveal everything fully in September.

So by September we’ll see Shinn kites and boards on the water ?

I have no intention of producing Shinn kites right now. The first step is to offer the best performing, best looking and best equipped kiteboards on the market in every style and size possible. I have a lot of experience in designing and testing kiteboards and this is my focus for the time being.

What kind of boards can we expect in your line-up ?

I’m preparing a full range…… Freestyle, Freeride, Light wind, Ladies, Youth, a new concept in Skim boards and of course surfboards!
It’s going to be a large range and hopefully there’s a board in there for everyone!

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