23 Aprile 2009


Intervista ad Alvaro Onieva firmata Wind Finder

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Interview with pro kiteboarder Alvaro Onieva

We took the chance to interview pro kiteboarder Alvaro Onieva from Tarifa/Spain. Alvaro is one of the most successful and most popular kitesurfers in the world, competing on the PKRA Pro Kite tour for 7 years, finishing 4rd in Freestyle overall in 2006, and 3rd in 2007 and 2008. Alvaro was born on 6/5/1987 in Malaga. He is sponsored by Movistar, Balance, Arnette, Dakine and Best Kiteboarding.

Oliver: You finished 3rd at the PKRA Kite word tour in 2006, 2nd in 2007 and 2008. Aaron and Kevin were fighting fiercely for 1st in the last 2 years. How do you plan to beat them this year? Do you sometimes feel like you are “only” considered the “best of the rest”?

Alvaro: Well, actually last year was my last year competing on the tour, after had been competing for 7 years in a row. I was kind of over it, and this year I have a lot of different plans, commited more in the production of (kiteboarding) photos and videos. I have a lot of motivation for it. Let’s see how it goes.

Oliver: How important is winning to you? Why do you compete? If so, why? If not, what is the most important thing about kiteboarding for you?

Alvaro: I changed a lot lately, I used to be very competitive, but then I realized that I can live better just doing videos, promos, photos for the magazines, I think I can get a better coverage, so my sponsors are happier.

Oliver: It seems like kiteboarding really is a way of life for you! How would you define this way of life?

Alvaro: I define it similar as in other boardsports, but it’s hard to explain with words. It is a very deep feeling, of connection to the sport. It’s a sane and calm way of life, living in harmony with oneself and others. It’s about sharing. It’s about being in contact with mother nature, the wind, the water

Oliver: How much are you involved in the the board shaping company Balance. Is it your business? Or are you just a test rider? What is the philosophy of Balance?

Alvaro:  Well, we started Balance two years ago, and the main idea was came my friend Carlos [Saez], the board designer, we were working for other companies, and we realized we couldn’t do much for the R&D with the kites and boards,they were only taking care about how much money they were earning, so we decided to just do it by our own, and we are very

stoked with the result, and the people who ride the boards are skoted, too. The board works

pretty well for people on the tour and for beginners, everyone was having fun with the board so we have fun. too!

Oliver: You spent the winter in Cape Town. Do you train with Aaron Hadlow or Kevin Langeree or other riders? How strong is the rivalry between the top riders?

Alvaro: Well, I don’t want to be competitive anymore, I wish now the best to everyone, I 

think it’s the way to have more satisfaction with oneself and with others. I quit the competition because of the insane competitive spirit which I felt within myself.

Oliver: Who do you think is the most underrated rider at the moment? Any new faces that can break Aaron’s dominance in your opinion?

Alvaro: Aaron [Hadlow] for sure is the top rider in competition, there is no doubt about it, but regarding the style I have to mention Andre Phillip.

Oliver: Do you think kiteboarding as a whole is taking the right path? What would you change about the sport (if you could)?

Alvaro: I think kiteboarding is still a pretty new sport, but I think has developed a lot during the last two years. Rails and kickers, and more alternative stuff has been introduced to the sport. There is no doubt kiteboarding taking over more and more the essence of other boardsports.

Oliver: Which new moves and tricks can we expect to see from you this year?

Alvaro: Now were focus more on how we do the tricks, trying to push the 

sport in how you do it instead what you do, going more full speed, with the kite low, doing strong grabs and trying to make it look more stylish.

Oliver: What would you do if you could not kiteboard any more one day?

Alvaro: I would like to retreats to the mountains for meditation, it’s very helpful for me to be more in peace with everything.

Oliver: Thanks for taking the time and good look for the future. Here is a video of Alvaro:

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Intervista ad Alvaro Onieva firmata Wind Finder

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Interview with pro kiteboarder Alvaro Onieva

We took the chance to interview pro kiteboarder Alvaro Onieva from Tarifa/Spain. Alvaro is one of the most successful and most popular kitesurfers in the world, competing on the PKRA Pro Kite tour for 7 years, finishing 4rd in Freestyle overall in 2006, and 3rd in 2007 and 2008. Alvaro was born on 6/5/1987 in Malaga. He is sponsored by Movistar, Balance, Arnette, Dakine and Best Kiteboarding.

Oliver: You finished 3rd at the PKRA Kite word tour in 2006, 2nd in 2007 and 2008. Aaron and Kevin were fighting fiercely for 1st in the last 2 years. How do you plan to beat them this year? Do you sometimes feel like you are “only” considered the “best of the rest”?

Alvaro: Well, actually last year was my last year competing on the tour, after had been competing for 7 years in a row. I was kind of over it, and this year I have a lot of different plans, commited more in the production of (kiteboarding) photos and videos. I have a lot of motivation for it. Let’s see how it goes.

Oliver: How important is winning to you? Why do you compete? If so, why? If not, what is the most important thing about kiteboarding for you?

Alvaro: I changed a lot lately, I used to be very competitive, but then I realized that I can live better just doing videos, promos, photos for the magazines, I think I can get a better coverage, so my sponsors are happier.

Oliver: It seems like kiteboarding really is a way of life for you! How would you define this way of life?

Alvaro: I define it similar as in other boardsports, but it’s hard to explain with words. It is a very deep feeling, of connection to the sport. It’s a sane and calm way of life, living in harmony with oneself and others. It’s about sharing. It’s about being in contact with mother nature, the wind, the water

Oliver: How much are you involved in the the board shaping company Balance. Is it your business? Or are you just a test rider? What is the philosophy of Balance?

Alvaro:  Well, we started Balance two years ago, and the main idea was came my friend Carlos [Saez], the board designer, we were working for other companies, and we realized we couldn’t do much for the R&D with the kites and boards,they were only taking care about how much money they were earning, so we decided to just do it by our own, and we are very

stoked with the result, and the people who ride the boards are skoted, too. The board works

pretty well for people on the tour and for beginners, everyone was having fun with the board so we have fun. too!

Oliver: You spent the winter in Cape Town. Do you train with Aaron Hadlow or Kevin Langeree or other riders? How strong is the rivalry between the top riders?

Alvaro: Well, I don’t want to be competitive anymore, I wish now the best to everyone, I 

think it’s the way to have more satisfaction with oneself and with others. I quit the competition because of the insane competitive spirit which I felt within myself.

Oliver: Who do you think is the most underrated rider at the moment? Any new faces that can break Aaron’s dominance in your opinion?

Alvaro: Aaron [Hadlow] for sure is the top rider in competition, there is no doubt about it, but regarding the style I have to mention Andre Phillip.

Oliver: Do you think kiteboarding as a whole is taking the right path? What would you change about the sport (if you could)?

Alvaro: I think kiteboarding is still a pretty new sport, but I think has developed a lot during the last two years. Rails and kickers, and more alternative stuff has been introduced to the sport. There is no doubt kiteboarding taking over more and more the essence of other boardsports.

Oliver: Which new moves and tricks can we expect to see from you this year?

Alvaro: Now were focus more on how we do the tricks, trying to push the 

sport in how you do it instead what you do, going more full speed, with the kite low, doing strong grabs and trying to make it look more stylish.

Oliver: What would you do if you could not kiteboard any more one day?

Alvaro: I would like to retreats to the mountains for meditation, it’s very helpful for me to be more in peace with everything.

Oliver: Thanks for taking the time and good look for the future. Here is a video of Alvaro:

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