14 Gennaio 2010


Ecco l’ultimo comunicato dalla International Kiteboard Federation

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

IKF is the International Kiteboard Federation.  the Federation of all Major national Federation/Association around the world affiliate to IKF. The IKF has many objective.
–          To encourage all national associations to affiliate themselves with the IKF. This way, encouraging all countries to build on the sport under one strong system for the riders and then the competitions.
–          To develop licenced schools and strong criteria for the development within teaching standards.
–          To develop judging schools and strong criteria for the development within competition standards.
–          A new introduction system for riders that will start from the beginning up until advanced levels of kiteboarding. There by building a system that grades each level achieved as a rider and competing on that level.
–          To be affiliate to the CIO, International World Games Association, Sportaccord, IOC Recognised International Sports Federation.
One of the objectives for 2010 is to work with each national ranked Federation/Association under one structured system. Each top ranked national will be offered the opportunity to compete at the IKF World Championship, 2010.This World Championship will be held at the end of each year and every year in a different country.
KPWT is the Kiteboard Pro World Tour the Official World Cup of Kiteboarding and KPWT is a member and affiliate to the IKF.
The KPWT is the first world tour since 1998. The KPWT has now held 80 events in 17 countries across 6 continents and is looking to 2010 to push the sport into a successful future with IKF.
The KPWT will organize the World Cup circuit in collaboration with IKF. This is the Offical World Tour and this tour is a Professionnal series of events all year around in different locations. Participants will win money in each event and each discipline.
The main disciplines of the KPWT World Cup is Freestyle , Wavemasters , Course Racing/Slalom , Junior.
The KPWT has also specific disciplines :
1         Sliders
2         Best Tricks
3         KiteCross
4         Hang Time
5         Speed
6         Kiteloop
7         Big Air
8         Long Distance
The rankings are clear and each event, as to how many stars are attached, will offer the points required to accumulate in order to hold the KPWT Title for each respective discipline and overall ranking.
The Tour has an exciting year ahead planed, with new exotic locations and overall prize money sitting at 500 000 Euros.
The World Tour has now built a reputable media foundation, which consists of over 6000 hours of television coverage worldwide, viewed in over 250 countries and over 500 000 website hits per year.
The judging criteria for Wave Master and Freestyle has been carefully analysed and clearly defined within the 2010 system.



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Ecco l’ultimo comunicato dalla International Kiteboard Federation

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

IKF is the International Kiteboard Federation.  the Federation of all Major national Federation/Association around the world affiliate to IKF. The IKF has many objective.
–          To encourage all national associations to affiliate themselves with the IKF. This way, encouraging all countries to build on the sport under one strong system for the riders and then the competitions.
–          To develop licenced schools and strong criteria for the development within teaching standards.
–          To develop judging schools and strong criteria for the development within competition standards.
–          A new introduction system for riders that will start from the beginning up until advanced levels of kiteboarding. There by building a system that grades each level achieved as a rider and competing on that level.
–          To be affiliate to the CIO, International World Games Association, Sportaccord, IOC Recognised International Sports Federation.
One of the objectives for 2010 is to work with each national ranked Federation/Association under one structured system. Each top ranked national will be offered the opportunity to compete at the IKF World Championship, 2010.This World Championship will be held at the end of each year and every year in a different country.
KPWT is the Kiteboard Pro World Tour the Official World Cup of Kiteboarding and KPWT is a member and affiliate to the IKF.
The KPWT is the first world tour since 1998. The KPWT has now held 80 events in 17 countries across 6 continents and is looking to 2010 to push the sport into a successful future with IKF.
The KPWT will organize the World Cup circuit in collaboration with IKF. This is the Offical World Tour and this tour is a Professionnal series of events all year around in different locations. Participants will win money in each event and each discipline.
The main disciplines of the KPWT World Cup is Freestyle , Wavemasters , Course Racing/Slalom , Junior.
The KPWT has also specific disciplines :
1         Sliders
2         Best Tricks
3         KiteCross
4         Hang Time
5         Speed
6         Kiteloop
7         Big Air
8         Long Distance
The rankings are clear and each event, as to how many stars are attached, will offer the points required to accumulate in order to hold the KPWT Title for each respective discipline and overall ranking.
The Tour has an exciting year ahead planed, with new exotic locations and overall prize money sitting at 500 000 Euros.
The World Tour has now built a reputable media foundation, which consists of over 6000 hours of television coverage worldwide, viewed in over 250 countries and over 500 000 website hits per year.
The judging criteria for Wave Master and Freestyle has been carefully analysed and clearly defined within the 2010 system.



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