11 Giugno 2019


L’evento espositivo di Dusseldorf 2020

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

All facets of surfing at boot Dusseldorf 2020

From 18 to 26 January 2020, Hall 8a of the world’s largest water sports fair will be the venue for the latest surfing and kiting trends for the summer of 2020. A new record is already emerging for the industry at boot 2020: there have not been so many registrations from manufacturers for a long time. While the surfing industry was in a deep crisis in the 2000s, new variations of surfing have provided a boost in recent years. In addition to kiting and classic windsurfing, stand up paddling has also arrived in popular sport in recent years. For two years now, the topic of foiling has been causing a sensation in all surf sports. At boot 2020, almost all manufacturers are now offering trendy wingfoiling products. This mixture of kitesurfing and windsurfing is especially attractive for windsurfers who no longer want to lug heavy and bulky material. Kitesurfers who want to try something new will find an alternative in very light winds. So the borders of the individual surf sports blur more and more and hardly anybody does only one single surf sport to 100 per cent. 

The surfing season starts in January on the Rhine

Once the last Christmas goodies have been enjoyed, the boat comes just in time in January and gives the surfers the extra motivation kick to work on the beach figure. In Hall 8a, the home of surfing, there are plenty of opportunities to do so: If you want to take it easy, grab a SUP board and paddle over the 65 meter long water basin or take part in a yoga course on the board. Even more strenuous and also much wetter, it gets on the wakeboard or on THE WAVE. Already for the fourth time the employees of citywave® build the most beautiful indoor surf wave in the world in Düsseldorf. With previous online registration at thewave.boot.de surfers can experience a small Hawaiian paradise on the boat. The skimboard track has been a big hit with children and teenagers for years, which is why there is now also an on-site registration here. Adults may of course slide over the track, but don’t forget: The older, the more painful it is to fall. As always, all participation actions are included in the ticket price.

Who can stay dry with this large offer? For example all those who simply want to inform themselves about their surf sport, want to hunt down one or two bargains, enjoy the unique atmosphere at the surf contests with friends or already want to book the next surf trip.

In-depth instruction for beginners and budding experts in co-operation with VDWS

Practice makes perfect. So VDWS is offering a series of surfing seminars at boot specially for beginners and budding experts. Registration for them is directly on-site with VDWS. This is where you can obtain all the information you need about the right board and sail, can ask questions or can prepare to carry out new manoeuvres in dry runs on a surfing simulator instead of spending a great deal of time and energy starting from scratch out on the water. We have obtained the services of the VDWS team of instructors as coaches for you. For 45 years now, VDWS has been training surfing instructors all over the world using a system that is optimised on an ongoing basis. It would be hard to find more competent experts.

Thrilling contests guaranteed on both boot weekends

While the first contest weekend is reserved entirely for surfers and professional windsurfers, it will be the turn of the stand-up paddlers on the second weekend, when they will be holding their championship in both the sprint and standing wave disciplines.

Contests and show programme:
WAVE Masters – 18. & 19.01.2020
Tow-in Windsurfing Contest – 18. & 19.01.2020
SUP WAVE Masters – 25. & 26.01.2020
Pooltastic Wakeboard Contest – 25.01.2020
European Skimboarding Cup – 25.01.2020
SUP Shorttrackmasters – 26.01.2020

Here are the most important facts about boot at a glance:

·       boot Düsseldorf is open every day from 10.00 to 18.00 from 18. to 26. January 2020

·       Almost 13,000 square metres devoted to surfing for visitors to try out first hand in Hall 8a, right next to the north entrance

·       1,400 square metre pool with a 2.0 cableway for wakeboarding, tow-in windsurfing and a foiling show as well as SUP tests

·       THE WAVE – surfing on an authentic deep-water wave created by citywave®

·       The major manufacturers available on site to answer questions and provide information

·       Stars and experts from all trending sports appearing non-stop on the stage next to the big pool

·       Book your next surfing holiday directly on-site

·       Ideal shops for bargain hunters in Hall 8a too

·       boot tickets can be used to travel free of charge on the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) public transport system

·       Ticket prices and online tickets are available at http://bit.ly/boot2020ticket

·       Attractive benefits for boot.club members available at http://bit.ly/boot2020bootclub

Incidentally: parking lot P1 at the Caravan Center is the right destination for anyone who is coming in his own bus: electricity, water and waste disposal are no problem here – and the distance from bed to board couldn’t be shorter.

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L’evento espositivo di Dusseldorf 2020

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

All facets of surfing at boot Dusseldorf 2020

From 18 to 26 January 2020, Hall 8a of the world’s largest water sports fair will be the venue for the latest surfing and kiting trends for the summer of 2020. A new record is already emerging for the industry at boot 2020: there have not been so many registrations from manufacturers for a long time. While the surfing industry was in a deep crisis in the 2000s, new variations of surfing have provided a boost in recent years. In addition to kiting and classic windsurfing, stand up paddling has also arrived in popular sport in recent years. For two years now, the topic of foiling has been causing a sensation in all surf sports. At boot 2020, almost all manufacturers are now offering trendy wingfoiling products. This mixture of kitesurfing and windsurfing is especially attractive for windsurfers who no longer want to lug heavy and bulky material. Kitesurfers who want to try something new will find an alternative in very light winds. So the borders of the individual surf sports blur more and more and hardly anybody does only one single surf sport to 100 per cent. 

The surfing season starts in January on the Rhine

Once the last Christmas goodies have been enjoyed, the boat comes just in time in January and gives the surfers the extra motivation kick to work on the beach figure. In Hall 8a, the home of surfing, there are plenty of opportunities to do so: If you want to take it easy, grab a SUP board and paddle over the 65 meter long water basin or take part in a yoga course on the board. Even more strenuous and also much wetter, it gets on the wakeboard or on THE WAVE. Already for the fourth time the employees of citywave® build the most beautiful indoor surf wave in the world in Düsseldorf. With previous online registration at thewave.boot.de surfers can experience a small Hawaiian paradise on the boat. The skimboard track has been a big hit with children and teenagers for years, which is why there is now also an on-site registration here. Adults may of course slide over the track, but don’t forget: The older, the more painful it is to fall. As always, all participation actions are included in the ticket price.

Who can stay dry with this large offer? For example all those who simply want to inform themselves about their surf sport, want to hunt down one or two bargains, enjoy the unique atmosphere at the surf contests with friends or already want to book the next surf trip.

In-depth instruction for beginners and budding experts in co-operation with VDWS

Practice makes perfect. So VDWS is offering a series of surfing seminars at boot specially for beginners and budding experts. Registration for them is directly on-site with VDWS. This is where you can obtain all the information you need about the right board and sail, can ask questions or can prepare to carry out new manoeuvres in dry runs on a surfing simulator instead of spending a great deal of time and energy starting from scratch out on the water. We have obtained the services of the VDWS team of instructors as coaches for you. For 45 years now, VDWS has been training surfing instructors all over the world using a system that is optimised on an ongoing basis. It would be hard to find more competent experts.

Thrilling contests guaranteed on both boot weekends

While the first contest weekend is reserved entirely for surfers and professional windsurfers, it will be the turn of the stand-up paddlers on the second weekend, when they will be holding their championship in both the sprint and standing wave disciplines.

Contests and show programme:
WAVE Masters – 18. & 19.01.2020
Tow-in Windsurfing Contest – 18. & 19.01.2020
SUP WAVE Masters – 25. & 26.01.2020
Pooltastic Wakeboard Contest – 25.01.2020
European Skimboarding Cup – 25.01.2020
SUP Shorttrackmasters – 26.01.2020

Here are the most important facts about boot at a glance:

·       boot Düsseldorf is open every day from 10.00 to 18.00 from 18. to 26. January 2020

·       Almost 13,000 square metres devoted to surfing for visitors to try out first hand in Hall 8a, right next to the north entrance

·       1,400 square metre pool with a 2.0 cableway for wakeboarding, tow-in windsurfing and a foiling show as well as SUP tests

·       THE WAVE – surfing on an authentic deep-water wave created by citywave®

·       The major manufacturers available on site to answer questions and provide information

·       Stars and experts from all trending sports appearing non-stop on the stage next to the big pool

·       Book your next surfing holiday directly on-site

·       Ideal shops for bargain hunters in Hall 8a too

·       boot tickets can be used to travel free of charge on the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) public transport system

·       Ticket prices and online tickets are available at http://bit.ly/boot2020ticket

·       Attractive benefits for boot.club members available at http://bit.ly/boot2020bootclub

Incidentally: parking lot P1 at the Caravan Center is the right destination for anyone who is coming in his own bus: electricity, water and waste disposal are no problem here – and the distance from bed to board couldn’t be shorter.

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