26 Marzo 2011


Episodio 2 Betty does America

di: Redazione Kitesurfing


EPISODE TWO: Betty does America (part 2)
Last episode, Sam Light and Rick Jensen make a pact to kiteboard their way across America after riding for Naish in the Ro-Sham-Throw Down. They buy an old Dodge party van, name her “Betty” and hit the road.

From the Gorge in Oregon, they head down the west coast on their way to Florida. But, like so many before them, they are blinded by the bright lights of Vegas and decide to make a quick stop…

***SPOILER ALERT!***Vegas proves too much to handle and barefoot and penniless, they are forced to sell Betty at the airport and head home. Sam and Rick are regrouping now, and have vowed to return to finish the trip!

DIRECTED BY: Andi Jansen
RIDERS: Sam Light, Rick Jensen
THE GEAR: Kites: Naish Park and Naish Torch; Boards: Naish Momentum Park Edition 138

Sam Light hooks up with Naish Riders Jalou Langeree, Flo Daubos and young Australian Ewan Jaspan for a kiteboarding paradise session in Oz. Three guys, a girl and a…kangaroo? wallaby? wombat?…Check out the action when Episode 3: Team Meet Up Down Under airs on 04.05.11.

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Episodio 2 Betty does America

di: Redazione Kitesurfing


EPISODE TWO: Betty does America (part 2)
Last episode, Sam Light and Rick Jensen make a pact to kiteboard their way across America after riding for Naish in the Ro-Sham-Throw Down. They buy an old Dodge party van, name her “Betty” and hit the road.

From the Gorge in Oregon, they head down the west coast on their way to Florida. But, like so many before them, they are blinded by the bright lights of Vegas and decide to make a quick stop…

***SPOILER ALERT!***Vegas proves too much to handle and barefoot and penniless, they are forced to sell Betty at the airport and head home. Sam and Rick are regrouping now, and have vowed to return to finish the trip!

DIRECTED BY: Andi Jansen
RIDERS: Sam Light, Rick Jensen
THE GEAR: Kites: Naish Park and Naish Torch; Boards: Naish Momentum Park Edition 138

Sam Light hooks up with Naish Riders Jalou Langeree, Flo Daubos and young Australian Ewan Jaspan for a kiteboarding paradise session in Oz. Three guys, a girl and a…kangaroo? wallaby? wombat?…Check out the action when Episode 3: Team Meet Up Down Under airs on 04.05.11.

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