2 Maggio 2010


Stefano Martinelli entra a far parte del Team BEST International

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Stefano Martinelli entra a far parte del Team BEST International

La promessa italiana Stefano Martinelli, dopo gli ottimi numerosi piazzamenti nelle varie gare di livello internazionale, entra di sfondamento nel team international della Brand BEST KITEBOARDING. L’atleta tricolore, oltre a partecipare al circuito nazionale FISN parteciperà alle più importanti manifestazioni europee e non.

Ecco quello che scrivono di lui nel sito Ufficiale Best:


April 2010

Based in Northern Italy, 19-year old Stefano Martinelli is one of the most talented young kiteboarders on the European scene, and has been part of the Best Italy team since the beginning of his kiteboarding career.

Recently he showed his talent during the last stop of the 2009 Italian Tour where he made it to the final round and was able to show his smooth, technical style. He also finished in 3rd place during the 2009 European Championship at the Lake of Garda. For a quick preview of Stefano in action, click on the following link: Stefano in Dakhla.

In addition to his mad riding skills … and perhaps more importantly … Stefano is one of the most friendly and appreciative riders out there, and we are happy to have him as part of the Best Kiteboarding family.

In 2010, Stefano plans to show his talent in the European Tour KTE, and Pureactionsports Italy is proud to support him in this new adventure. The first stop of the Kitesurf Tour Europe 2010 will take place May 6th-9th in Podersdorf, Austria. For more information about the event, KTE Austria. Good luck, Stefano!!

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Stefano Martinelli entra a far parte del Team BEST International

di: Redazione Kitesurfing

Stefano Martinelli entra a far parte del Team BEST International

La promessa italiana Stefano Martinelli, dopo gli ottimi numerosi piazzamenti nelle varie gare di livello internazionale, entra di sfondamento nel team international della Brand BEST KITEBOARDING. L’atleta tricolore, oltre a partecipare al circuito nazionale FISN parteciperà alle più importanti manifestazioni europee e non.

Ecco quello che scrivono di lui nel sito Ufficiale Best:


April 2010

Based in Northern Italy, 19-year old Stefano Martinelli is one of the most talented young kiteboarders on the European scene, and has been part of the Best Italy team since the beginning of his kiteboarding career.

Recently he showed his talent during the last stop of the 2009 Italian Tour where he made it to the final round and was able to show his smooth, technical style. He also finished in 3rd place during the 2009 European Championship at the Lake of Garda. For a quick preview of Stefano in action, click on the following link: Stefano in Dakhla.

In addition to his mad riding skills … and perhaps more importantly … Stefano is one of the most friendly and appreciative riders out there, and we are happy to have him as part of the Best Kiteboarding family.

In 2010, Stefano plans to show his talent in the European Tour KTE, and Pureactionsports Italy is proud to support him in this new adventure. The first stop of the Kitesurf Tour Europe 2010 will take place May 6th-9th in Podersdorf, Austria. For more information about the event, KTE Austria. Good luck, Stefano!!

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